Look inside yourself for truth

Lakota elders are among those who remind human beings that they can always look inside themselves for the truth. Before you decide whether something is possible or not and reach inside to answer, part of you instinctively think about it. Other parts of you explore how you feel about it. Then, what?
As you begin to sense contemplation itself is part of a bigger process, you realize you gradually dispel unconsciousness. As a person becomes more fully conscious, drama no longer enters that person's life. Events that unfold do not affect you.
In essence, you are slowly realizing resistance, control, power, greed, and other ego strategies are not the issue. Rather, ego itself prevents you from reconnecting to what you are. Consider these concepts and how they relate to your truth;
1) Multisensory perception. This is a direct link to energy vibrations everywhere, beyond details the five senses and their collective energy provide. It shrinks physical distance between what you know and the source of whatever jumps to mind. It presents an alternative way of knowing to what you have been taught. This system encourages you to be open to ability you have always had yet forgot. Fear temporarily gets in the way.
2) Synchrony. No single way exists to experience this. You may get hunches, ah-ha moments, smell a scent that triggers connections other people would not necessarily get the same way you do. Your senses communicate in ways you somehow understand yet, resist. Learn not to question. Trust intuition. Choose to accept answers in forms or senations given.
3) Channelling. Wisdom arrives in forms one does not always readily grasp or accept. Non-physical sources of information are linked to realities or dimensions outside the physical plane. Beings beyond you know what motivates your behaviour, which initiatives you choose, every challenge you encounter, and lessons you learn or ignore. You are completely transparent in your energy vibration. Those who read energy and emotions help you recognize options, explore feelings and learn to be more loving. Guidance is available when you ask and listen.
4) Dreams. Dreams offer insight into your authentic capacities as an energy being. The series of symbols, stories and talents you can awaken to recall lead you to far more options for learning about the self. Each energy shift alters degrees of awareness. This permits you to discern opportunities to see past limitations of physical reality.
5) Perspective. Each decision you make is based on your free will. You choose to incarnate, to create situations you experience to broaden your horizons. A constant influx of messages travels through your entire being. Perspective expands as you become aware of signals sent from different vantage points. These include non-physical guides, soul and the frequency of your higher self. To choose to live each moment to the fullest and be grounded in the moment means you actually live as if your vantage point is inside the self.