How do you know what is real?
Wednesday, December 23, 2009 at 1:30PM
Liara Covert in Consciousness, divine being, higher consciousness, meditate, perspective

People ask what it means if something is "real."  You have that feeling where you tune in and leave thought behind.  You discover advantages to sensing and using the soul vehicle well. This is core energy you access now.

Right  now, your physical form is only part of this.  You have more than one perspective.  There exist many potentials you grow aware of.  No two experiences are ever the same. Connect with your highest self.

You may have heard the question you ask puts you on track for the answer.  Yet, the more you flow into an experience, the more it fills you and overwhelms you.  It requires no effort to accept what is, yet requires resistance to reject what you fear, what other people tell you to disbelieve. Meditate and listen to the truth. 

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