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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in perfection (24)


Everything is perfect now

Notice how you observe and interpret.  Notice how you feel about your true self.  Consider for a moment, that everything is perfect, that you are perfect as you are.  Soul-level energy vibration resonates you are loved unconditionally and nothing needs fixing.  Consider what kind of messages you receive or believe that contradict this story. How do you feed the fire?

The soul constantly echoes uplifting feelings about the limitless being you are.  The heart feels its way to credible answers.  You know your inner self better than anyone else.  Mind grounds its understanding of you in what the physical senses reveal or conceal, in what appears to be missing, in all you are not.  You choose your focus.  Every choice is part of the timeless journey.


The things we love most 

You might wonder if you can truly love anything more than anything else.  Everything being equal, the essence of being loves all the same. Yet, during your process of remembering in physical worlds, notice inner evolution.  As you identify and focus on positive aspects of all situations, you invite clarity, allow well-being, feel a greater sense of relief and draw toward you more experience that is meaningful. 

Notice how often your habits of thought resist or deny that everything serves you.  This includes all those encounters with friends and relatives that evoke discomfort, fear and negativity inside you.  The more you choose to feel good about where you are, the more reasons you attract to feel good.  As you reflect, you realize what you love most about existence is messages of unconditional love are everywhere.  You are reminded of contrast to encourage you to 'snap out of' temporary amnesia.  Know you are worthy.  Trust all is well. Sense you are in a perfect place to laugh, love and appreciate every moment you are given.


Sense clearly again

Every experience tells you about inner self.  Every way you feel and perceive worlds, is a reflection of how you see and experience the self. Do you sense anything other than perfection?  Open your senses to the truth.  Everything is sending you messages that you are ready to sense clearly again.  What does it mean to feel truly alive?

You venture to this place as you are aware of energy within as it is; all-powerful and unconditionally loving.  You are capable of being, doing and feeling anything.  This is unlimitedness.  As you recall how to align with simply being, you choose to release results of this connection.  You are invited to engage in inner work to evolve.

To sense the impulse to be unlimited in your creative expression is part of connecting with Cosmic Synchronicity.  It is your intention to be successful, to remind self to give and recive love in all things every moment.


Setback is a state of mind

Human beings give much of their own energy away. If you choose to believe in mistakes, setbacks and failures, it is also possible to reframe all events as meaningful experience now.  To step back and view a situation from a detached point of view changes the impact.  What if 'mistakes' are lessons you have not yet learned on your path to self-acceptance? 

Every moment, many people are holding themselves back from accepting all that they are.  People judge or analyze much of what they observe.  Listen to yourself.  Listen to people around you.  What do they say? How are they inviting conditions they say they do not want?  Notice where you place your attention.

From the moment you view yourself as healed, gifted, successful, knowledgable, enlightened, some part of you already tells you this is not true. The mind interferes with its own agenda.  This separates you from what you know and from all that you are.  Human beings spend their lives telling themselves what they are not as an exercise in forgetting what they are.  Where do you stand on this?  Are you perfect now?

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