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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in perfection (24)


Create a new vision

The world that you experience begins and ends within your mind. It emerges as thought and dissolves from when it came. Now is the perfect moment to heighten awareness and recognize how you think and feel determines the nature of the life you live. Take responsibility for creating new vision. Let go of old beliefs and parameters.  Find harmony within and see every unfolding event as part of a larger harmony. The inner vision is what transforms the outer experience.


Find the perfect way 

Every moment offers opportunities to make the most of where you are and what is unfolding.  Discover works of art within yourself you never knew existed.  Imagine you are a potter or a painter with a store of masterpieces.  Each inner quality is like a masterpiece that wants to get noticed.  Yet, the moment it exerts effort to be noticed, the recognition received holds no value.

As you begin to realize everything and everyone has innate value, you can sit next to anyone and be loyal to what is lost and what is found within yourself.  This can be a colleague, a friend, a co-worker or even a stranger at a bus-stop.  Listen with respect to what the person says.  Be aware of pointers to what is left unsaid.  Say what the person wishes to hear in a way that conveys what you wish to say.  You both get what you need out of the interaction. When mutual understanding exists, people do not impose ideas.  Rather, each person finds the perfect way along the path.


Turn inward

Whatever you see and understand as the external world, you come to discover that you cannot make it happen your way or control it exactly as you want.  No person, creature situation or relationship in your life is always doing what you want it to do all of the time.  This revelation unleashes a gush of nothing.  Even that which cannot be named is heartfelt.

What's happening in your head is your dream.  Its also projection.  As you recognize you do not control the external, this is an invitation to turn inward to access peace.  If you are not feeling peaceful and contented, then your attention is anywhere but here.  You begin to sense that if you do not do the right things, the right things do not happen to you.  You begin to feel you create the nature of your life.  When you feel joyful, you treat others well. Everything is a mirror for how deeply you access the essence of being within you.  The social world is an extension of allowing and resisting all you are.  How quiet can 'you' be?

Every moment is an opportunity to experience the present in its pure perfection.

"The awakened one is open to everything and everything falls into place." -Sri Bhagavan


Alter points of reference

Notice how what you allow yourself to see shifts as you alter points of reference. 

Rather than pinpoint flaws and tell yourself you'll feel better as you alter your appearance or behaviour, look deeply into the heart and connect with the perfect being staring back.

Rather than remark on an apparent lack or imbalance in your life, focus attention instead on the ideal scenario and allow yourself to feel unconditional love, wealth and well-being now.

Rather than work toward something, telling yourself that you'll know fulfillment at the end of the journey, imagine and savour fulfillment now, regardless of what you are doing or not.

Rather than rack your brain to determine how to make something possible within logic of the mind, be still. Recognize everything is already happening without you doing anything.

Rather than exert effort to explain through the mind, feel your way to what is here now.


The message of wisdom

Wisdom cannot be repeated or learned through a teacher. Wisdom speaks directly through what you experience, through sensations. It is something you feel, not something you think or work out logically.  The unspeakable is forever within.  Seeing through the lens of wisdom is to see and appreciate things as they actually are.

Most often, you see things as you are, that is, you are conditioned to see only what the mind filters and wants you to see.  This is about how you perceive and relate to life.  Wisdom exists in the space between books you read and relationships you have. 

You may ask, "when is the best time to get wise?, who is the most important person?, and what is the key thing to do? Everything is now. Whomever you are with at a given moment invites you to show love and appreciation. If you are alone, this means you.  If you are with others, care.  Timeless wisdom is any pointer that evokes peace of mind, unconditional love and acceptance.  Say what you mean and mean what you say.