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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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7 incentives to learn astral projection

Astral Projection is the process by which human consciousness temporarily leaves the physical body and functions independently. Its amazing to realize the power of that invisible silver cord! (It case you didn't know, its what's severed by divine beings at the moment of 'passing over').   Loads of people experience astral and concur its very real. Will you choose to take their word? or, explore it yourself?

Now, astral travel is not unconscious dreaming. Lucid dreaming is a stage when you become aware that you are dreaming. Astral is another step where you also travel after a conscious projection. This is a level of heightened perception. As you explore the astral dimension, your senses can seem sharper and sensations appear more real.

Mark Pritchard, who teaches an Astral course, explains Astral describes the first two planes of the 5th dimension. You may be more familliar with the first three (length, width& height) of the physical world. Time occupies the perceived 4th dimension. The 6th is the electronic dimension. The 7th is the spirit dimension.  A variety of perspectives exist on what inter-dimensional travel feels like. What is yours?

You may ask, why desire to learn Astral anyway? Maybe you're even thinking it could be dangerous? Consider these 7 incentives which motivate astral travellers:

1) Improve clarity and conscious memory. Who doesn't desire a sharper memory? The more lucid your dreams, the more aware you become in a conscious state and the easier is to access memory. Yet, you must raise consciousness to a certain level in waking life before you will recall dreams or grasp your potential in astral.

2) Influence humans in the physical dimension. No, this isn't an opportunity to pretend you're a ghost, though you might view it that way. People may be motivated to learn astral to interact with people in the physical realm without touching them. People in the physical can't see into the higher dimensions without remembering the capacity of polyvision.

3) Connect with angels, sentient beings & your deepest self. You can send out a request for general assistance to expand on your understanding and experience of astral. You may even connect with a specific guide or spirit for other reasons. Its up to you to invoke beings or spirits you wish to sense and contact. Dream guides are available to those who ask.

4) Meet other humans in astral. Humans like contacting others in astral. This heightens sensitivities. Yet, you and another only engage in meaningful astral exchanges and recall them in physical realms if both of you are aware in astral. One person can be conscious and see another without being able to convey a message. You can see the astral light of a physical body far away, as in check on a loved one.

5) Gain new kinds of spiritual knowledge. The astral plane offers a wealth of information on many subjects. Much of this is available in symbols. You can also learn from other travellers and beings who go there. Decipher what you choose.

6) Travel backward & forward in time. Lots of people are intrigued by time travel as a theory and wonder if its possible. Astral allows you to go backward to relive events that have occurred. These details are recorded in Akashic files. You can also sense possible future events, since details permeate down through dimensions. Yet, action in the physical can change events that were originally foreseen.

7) Contact departed loved ones. It is possible to encounter departed loved ones in astral since their spirit abides in higher dimensions. As your astral skills evolve, you will be able sense the presence of the loved one's personality, or whatever was most recognizable to you about them in the physical world. You can evolve to communicate and be recognized by them through your own traits and sensitivities.

Just so you know, everybody explores astral every night. Yet, they don't always remember experience in dream realms. Astral travel requires discipline and will power to develop the skills for consistent projection and to achieve continuity.

My related ebook, Expand Consciousness Now is already available. Look out for my coming Harness the Energy of Your Dreams ebook to be released on this website. Contribute queries about possible content in this coming dream book.  Contact me about coaching options to deepen understanding of dreams and practices.


What do you really need?

Societies tell us that our ability to accumulate wealth is often directly related job and career options. Jobs viewed as "dangerous" supposedly pay more than jobs that aren't.  Stressful jobs are supposed to compensate people for their specialized skills, and being willing to put their own life on the line.  Take a closer look a your reasons for choosing certain jobs. Knowing that you create your beliefs and perceptions, notice whether job choices are really that you seek.     

From the perspective of a country or givernment, skilled labour is viewed as an asset or form of wealth.  Consider many Western nations are desperate for more tradespeople.  These nations are hiring more foreigners for mining and other areas where they note a shortage in their labour force. What does this say about desirable career choices, other kinds of wealth, and job markets?

Ironically perhaps, trade schools have been virtually phased out of Western education systems. High schools still offer some technical courses, but structured apprenticeships became harder to find to train for paying jobs.  The status quo and governments believed more people should have opportunities to attend university, and it became a business. More students were lured into colleges on the premise that jobs would await them upon graduation. They accrue debts only to be disillusioned. Job markets are changing and students must still find work to pay their debts.  

Attitude can be a form of wealth or it can undermine your efforts to create wealth.  For example, many people develop an attitude that trades are "beneath them" and that true intelligence would only be reflected by higher- paying jobs of the moment.  Suddenly, globalisation led many traditionally, higher-paying jobs being outsourced offshore (such as medical tourism, legal services, IT and anything doable over computers, among many others). Material wealth is no longer simply attainable by following routes to key professions. In fact, the larger homes in your city may already belong to tradespeople or people you wouldn't expect.

Sources of wealth can come from unexpected places. Increasingly, you realize qualified plumbers, electricians, builders, mechanics (refriegeration, motor and others) are in demand and thus, choose their prices. Trying to find tradesmen when you need one in Western countries often means long wait periods.  Professionals trained in Western countries are becoming more mobile and moving to where they consider to find better circumstances. They determine what they think they need, ignore shortages of skills in their areas and go where they choose.

The result is changing views on what you need to do to create wealth. Tax bases are shrinking in Western countries. Young people move away and aging populations mean less people are working. The overall picture is governments have less money to use to help people and create infrastructure.  Career paths which were once assumed to be well-paying are not staying that way and career paths that were once low-paid are now gaining respect and higher salaries. Avenues which we once thought were effective ways to create wealth are no longer guaranteed.

So, what are the solutions to these issues? What do we really need?

Maybe we need to change our attitude about how and where wealth can be created. How often do you limit your own options?  The Internet is being used to create wealth in new ways that many of us don't think about.  Should we? Or, should we rethink our whole concept of wealth?

We could also increase numbers of trade schools and promote this career path as a well-paying and respected livelihood, rather than impose value judgments which may deter people from realizing their dreams. Why assume one kind of path leads to the most or the best kind of wealth?

Another idea is to require professional people who train in one geographic location to work there for a certain number of years in order to pay enough taxes to justify the subsidy of their education and reduce stress on the system.   Another idea is to evolve from the current economic-based system into some other more sustainable, global system. 

How can you expand on your ideas of wealth-creation. Does it go beyond work for you? Notice the mind defines what you think you need. The heart  feels all needs are already satisfied.