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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in light energy (7)


Imagine this

Notice energy cannot be created or destroyed.  What if immortality isn't a dream? What if an accelerating vibration of light energy is a quantum leap in human evolution? What if you are the light that is awakening to catch up with itself?

The stream of Love connects all things.  There is no disconnect, no difference or separation, except in the mind. Imagine you systematically shatter your own myths. Presto! Fears and insecurities disappear.  Any accompanying rationalisation does too.  See through the unreal.

Imagine you need not wait to realize a dream or to reunite with a person who leaves physical form. Feel what it is to allow the divine answer to reveal itself. Be harmonious and balanced.  Know all is possible now. Rather than work toward animagined ideal, be that, in-the-flesh.  The imagination is the laboratory of the soul.  You have carte blanche. Use this wild card. 


Find your own way

From this moment, you are conscious of certain choices and life conditions that stagnate. As you stop thinking, you begin to notice what the physical senses miss.  You feel what comes naturally.  The indescribable draws attention to awareness of cells.  They invite you to find your own way, to listen more closely to better understand what is unfolding within you.

As you attune more closely, you hear an uplifting voice within offer new solutions to issues the mind imagines into being. Inner sources of inspiration are forever accessible.  They guide you to awaken, to accelerate momentum and to expand beyond measure. Notice how it seves you to explore thoughts, the power of word and behaviour. As you choose to shift focus away from your unlimited being now, you appreciate the process that enables you to feel the power of emotions.  Recall how to release resistance.  Come back to full awareness of a bigger reality.


Feel beyond the ego-centred world

To explore beyond ego-centred mind, it is necessary to be aware of the nature of mind and how it fools you.  As you begin to sense that you create limitations based on perceptions of time and space, you may also grow aware of the transient nature of consciousness.

As part of the wake-up call, notice universal mind is within, not outside.  You are invited to shake up ingrained misperceptions and view them as a stepping stone to experiences beyond, through self-dircted journeys in awareness.  As you grow aware of how conditioning in the external world alters your internally-focused states of attention, you recognize choices to outgrow and transcend what is taught.

Prepare to transcend the linear, to move beyond desires of ego, and reconnect with a level of pure information.  This reveals that familiar sensory perception does not convey the truth of vibratory light.  Get ready to relearn what you already know- Cosmic Synchronicity.


How do you know the self?

Reality emerges from sound and light.

Everything you admire in others awakens it in you.

You are travelling awareness, a particle of light.

To exist outsde of time and space is a revelation.

You vibrate reality in environments you project and absorb.

Each energy being has a vibratory signature or soul imprint.

The reflection you see in mirrors is a holographic projection.

You exist beyond reason and senses in a vibratory hum. 

Words that exist in your universe do not express what you are.

You expand in ways immeasurable and indetectable now.


Discern light from dark

People who discern light from dark do not deny darkness.  This is not about judging.  It is about understanding you cannot have lighter without the darker. Notice the complimentary nature of all feelings and situations is part of expanding awareness.   You are invited to reclaim your true self.

You are in the process of realizing part of your role is to help heal human hearts.  You need not be a surgeon.  You are sensing and aligning energy on other levels.

In another way, you are beginning to discern the difference between universal laws and man made laws.  What you focus on is what you get.  The more you focus on what is working, the more you notice things working in your favor.  It is a fascinating moment to be alive.

What do you ache for? Would you risk disapproval for the experience of love? Can you endure pain without moving to hide it, repair or ignore it? How do you evolve to recognize and transcend limitations? Can you disappoint someone and still be true to yourself? Check out Oriah Mountain Dreamer's work.  She wants to know if you can be alone with yourself and truly love the company you keep, even during the empty moments.