All fear brings a message of love

The mind cannot explain what its like to be emptiness, infinite joy or pure freedom. Rather than grapple with what it cannot understand, it orients you to focus on the future, to nurture fear of the unknown. It conditions you to interpret and judge as it does.
Notice what happens from the moment you grow aware all fear you feel silently invites you to see through it. A spontaneous shift of attention brings you to the present moment. The message of unconditional love and acceptance is unmistakable.
When you acknowledge that you do not know who or what you are, that is, when you cease to be concerned with the things the ego tells you to get worked up about, something divine takes over. Reasons for worry fall away. There is no thought of controlling anything and no fear of not doing so. Awareness flows freely. It knows any effort you make to obtain or be something implies you believe it is beyond you. Notice your life reflects and reinforces how much fear is controlling or love is guiding you.
"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and let it come in."
-Morie Schwartz (from The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom)