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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in spirit entities (1)


Uplift your soul

If there's one thing I've learned in all my perceived encounters with people who seem to represent guardian angels, or other positive forces, their gestures of kindness uplift my soul.

Each morning, when I awaken, I sense the warmth of light that beams in through my window and I'm grateful to have been given another day.  I have come to recognize the act of guardianship. Its a feeling I associate with intense light, and strong feelings of comfort and support that energize me. I've been fortunate to meet people in my life who have opened my mind to new opportunities I hadn't thought about before. I've learned helping people also helps myself.

I send out positive feelings to an older woman I know to be suffering from an illness its within her power to get under control.  It's a wonderful feeling to learn that she's experiencing a change of attitude about her health which is already ensuring her recovery.  She tells me she has always believed in angels and that people seem to show up and help her in her life just when she needs a helping hand. 

She told me she recently had a dream.  She was told her time had not yet come.  She found herself crying, then her fear about her uncertain health seemed to disappear. She had a feeling of being embraced by love. She awoke and realized someone already in her life had been helping her and she had not noticed to what degree. She became more grateful for what was already right in front of her. This man was there when she had to go to the hospital.  He represents more than an Earthly guardian angel. It took her time to realize how much he cared and how much she did.

This woman still denies that her health choices affect her illness, but she has felt increasingly close to the spirit world that has given her strength through very difficult times.  She is slowly letting go of bitterness and negative feelings.  She is developing new faith in people who have entered her life who help her see beyond her earlier life of deep distress. She has discovered more to her life.