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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in perception (195)


Reconnect with your core frequency

"Not all those who wander are lost.” -J.R.R. Tolkein

A new wave of energy triggers upheavals for humanity. You have the choice to believe that completely unpredicatable phenomena will continue to enrich this physical world. You also have the choice to permit fear to shape mental visions and ideas.  What kinds of scenarios seem increasingly present for you? What do shifting moods indicate inside? What if all this is a strategy to reconnect with core frequency?

1) You sense what is happening now.  To be more aware of your creative power, you are learning to discern high and low vibration energy. Its helpful to acknowlege heavier states of being.  You are integrating intuitive and rational sides of the self. To move to sense completeness, you gain insight into the feeling of energy contracting and expanding within. 

2) Imagine the catapult effect.  Energy can be harnessed and released.  Think of a projectile or the action of an underlying catapult.  You decide how deeply you will mentally explore negative energy and vibrations. To grow to discern related sensations offers insight into stress and perspectives that hold you back.  This insight propels you to move to lighter states of being.

3) Rediscover what 'fully awake' means.  You are gradually learning what motivates you to leave a psychological comfort zone and what compels you to return to a sense of baseline frequency.  You create the conditions that inspire and encourage or contract your energy and create unstable energy.

  • Be aware of the effect on your energy when you are altrusitic, self-sacrificing and over-zealous. How would you describe the overall effect on your thoughts, physiology and perception?
  • Imagine shifting between positive and negative views of your current conditions. What wisdom dos this offer in terms of your feelings? That is, what serves you or not?
  • Consider the impact on vibration when you ponder negative scenarios. How does your energy level change? What effect does this have on your core frequency of peace, acceptance and joy?



Byron Katie & 15 Stories to awaken you 

Byron Katie publishes a new book called, Who Would you Be Without Your Story?  The book encourages every human being to take a second look at their assumptions to uncover hidden truths underneath. Learn how every person you meet teaches you profound lessons about yourself.  Consider the synopsis of her shared stories that invite you to awaken your senses;

1. Joe Is Irresponsible
An irate employee discovers that his anger with a co-worker is nothing more than a story he has told himself.

2. Sleep Disorder
A desperate woman learns that her panic-stricken world has nothing to do with reality.

3. My Mother Wouldn’t Approve
A young woman wants to become a musician, but worries about her mother's approval.

4. I Can’t Stand It That George Fell in Love with Linda
A woman realizes that she doesn't have to live with jealousy: it comes from her reaction to her husband's affair, not from the affair itself.

5. The Rent Increase
The way to accomplish change is to know that your enemy is your friend, even when the government raises your rent.

6. Welcome to Al-Anon!
A mother discovers that her obsession with her son's wellbeing is her own addiction.

7. Frank Bosses Me Around
How to deal with an apparently pushy co-worker.

8. My Mother Manipulates Me
A worried son spends his time thinking about his mother, and learns that he doesn't need her to be happy.

9. Cancer Ruined My Life
A woman realizes that her mental scars are the only terrifying thing about the cancer she's recovered from.

10. My Sister the Prostitute
A sister discovers that her worry is driven not by reality but by her stressful thoughts.

11. My Mother Made Me a Victim
A son blames his mother for his own failings and in questioning himself, discovers a love that he never knew.

12. My Husband Shouldn’t Have Left Me
A wife realizes that it was she who left her husband.

13. I’m Not Enough—and Some People Are Better Than Others
A man finally comes to terms with himself.

14. My Father Abused Me
A son finds the healing truth behind his emotional scars.

15. Scared and Angry at God
A woman finds peace in the thought of dying


Tap into your amazing abilities

Jenny Mannion of the blog, Heal Pain Naturally brings attention to an Amazing Abilities site worth visiting.  It shares Eastern wisdom. She also interviews the author, Vincent Daczynski, and raises points you may not have considered. When will you explore your untapped abilities?

1) Transcendental Meditation tools boost one's sales ability.

2) Paranormal phenomena are within normal human range.

3) A mind-emotional state explains perpetual discontent.

4) Sensing energy fields helps shatter myths & misconceptions.

Check these out:


Pay attention to nothing & why

Perceived problems arise when you focus attention on objects, events and sensations that reinforce your belief in time and space.  What if all your supposed issues are easily dissolved by simply paying attention to nothing? How then can you identify situations that do not matter and free yourself from them?

1) Initiate shifts in awareness.  A human being is unable to think at the same time as be fully aware of space and silence. You may think you multi-task effectively, but you are unable to focus full attention on more than one place at one time.  Sources of disruption, stress or anxiety all compel you to think. Mental training allows you to learn to turn it off at will.

2) Bring the unmanifest to your attention. People do not usually focus on what they do not see.  And yet, as you grow aware something holds up the physical forms you experience, you trigger new levels of awareness.  You withdraw energy from what appears to be going on outside and turn inward.  To develp a sense of the formless dimension empowers you to evolve.  You begin to realize all form  dissolves and nothing matters as much as you thought.  You gain perspective.

3) Reframe your sense of reality.  To realize layers of energy exist gives you insight into spaces you currently see and do not see.  You are conscious of your own perceved dimensions of time and space. They frame a sense of physical existence.  As you sense energy form is impermanent and unstable, you nurture fear about what may or may not be and create misperception of what you are.  Detaching from these brings you face-to-face with presence.  You transcend illusion.


Peer through layers of time and space

Analysis of dream submitted by Anonymous in Canada.

Dream- From my parents' bedroom on the second floor of their Georgian home, I could see through the wall into the upstairs hall. A Russian girlfriend stood there. Her physical body was dense and solid.  At the same time, I also saw different sized beings floating above, below and beside her.  Each being showed levels of opacity. Some beings were more transparent, as if light shined through from behind. Some beings had wings.  They each exerted effort to communicate.

Predominant Emotions- humility, surprise, and acceptance.

Interpretation- Each human being can grow to discern stages of awareness. This is a process to expand the self through learning and healing. The nature and depth of your perception in the physical world is based on vibrational patterns of energy that often go undetected. You are awakening on new levels.

Core energy is constantly changing.  That is, your energy is converted into forms that alter what and how you accept and perceive.  If you believe in discarnate souls, you may sense some that visit the physical plane. Non-physical entities may visit the physical planes between lives, on route to other dimensions, to act as spirit guides, or to observe even if they never incarnate physically.  Purposes are varied. If you sense something difficult to describe, certain revelations unfold.

It appears you are evolving to transcend limits you create to block self-understanding.  Walls are barriers, obstacles or boundaries that prevent you from experiencing what lies beyond them.  Habits or patterns can often be traced back to early family conditioning. To see beyond them is a sign of maturity and growth.  You may recognize you deviated from a karmic path and are now preparing to get back on track.