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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in manifestation (20)


10 Tips to master manifesting 

Manifesting comes as easily as you allow it. Apply these 10 tips to master manifesting so that what you experience resonates with your soul  and benefits more than yourself;

1. Be aware you co-create with cosmic forces.

A master manifester lives and breathes the co-creation process. You feel what it is to tune into all of life, know everything is cosmic energy, and recognize it is shifted quickest by the highest vibrations. Call it Source, The Force, anything, even a wordless symbol. Energy flows in the direction of highest vibration of heartfelt confidence and love.

2. Accept everything is possible.

Being open to infinite possibilities raises your vibration and allows everything that nurtures your highest well-being to come to you. Only your thoughts (their vibration) stands in the way between you and living your wildest dreams and beyond.

3. Surrender to the unseen.

Recall the phrase, 'the what always comes before the how.' From the instant the vibration of a thought is released to the cosmos, Universal Laws come into play. Trust the process that is beyond the grasp of logical mind.

4. Grasp the boomerang effect.

When you grasp the boomerang effect, you know what you throw out into the world reverberrates back like a rock skipping across the water.  The nature of thought energy you generate is already mirroring or coming back. The message is clear: discipline the mind. Only give off energy that you’re willing to receive from the universe. Everything you encounter is a gift you give yourself for soul growth.

5.  See the end result & love the process.

All results arise with Divine timing for your greater good. Humans create gravitational fields and generate the energy of what they choose. Set your intention for the best possible result and realize the universal flow can also offer something better beyond your current vision.  Love every stage of the process. Its already here. Recognize your power.

6. Master your thoughts & words.

Master manifesters are acutely aware of the power of thought and words. They obliterate doubt, avoid words like want, try, can't, won't, shouldn't, never and impossible, or any word with inflexible or negative vibes. They know every unfolding arises from brainwaves, which reflect the nature of thoughts and dimensions of consciousness being filtered out or invited into direct experience.

7. Express infinite appreciation.

Recognize expressing gratitude actually arises from a spark of doubt that what you envision may not arise. Expressing infinite appreciation  however, resonates trust that every unfolding is perfect and also making way for more of what is best suited to your evolution and soul growth.

8.  Be in uplifting company.

Surround yourself with inspiring people and conditions that support and encourage you.  View sources of negative energy as teachers yet recognize that you are evolving into the five people you spend the most time with.  Nurture relationships with reciprocal or mutually-supportive energy. Be turned on enough to sense when yoru energy is being drained or taken advantage of and move on.

9. Feel abundant.

When you love, you generate or invite more reasons to love, When you fear lack or not having, you invite an experience with compatible vibration. Money is no exception. Be aware of issues arising within you about money. Brainstorm idioms that reveal your unconscious beliefs so you can let these go and experience more abundance in all shapes and forms.

10. Feel the way into your visions.

Create space to regularly map out how you wish to feel. Master manifesters know its not things they actually want but how things enable them to feel.  The more detailed your vision, the more palpable it grows in your awareness until manifesting time is zero. Everything is Now. The key is to eliminate thoughts that have you believe otherwise.


Create more deliberately now

Everything you deliberately create begins to emerge long before you experience the manifestation. You know the true nature of who you are and the implications. The degree you choose to consciously accept this shapes not what unfolds or, what exists, but how quickly you accept and experience what already is. Each word and thought is like a cloud that obscures the truth or a gust of wind that blows clouds away. A human mind does not begin to imagine what it means to align with your Source energy and power.  Feel it.


Be eager where you are

Be eager where you are. You can always move to a better feeling place. Your natural state of being is joy and as you choose to allow as much energy as you can to flow through you, you also find pleasure in distraction. You are liking being more in charge of your life. You feel good that so many choices exist. You come into conscious awareness of your emotional guidance and how aligned you are with the authenic you. Be glad you know what you know. Every moment, you are living the life you intended.

Bless every emotion that bubbles up from within. It all goes well.  You constantly create new plans and shift preferences to experience expansion. Every experience, every encounter, every manifestation, is all reason to feel happy where you are. To allow enthusiasm, love, joy, any positive vibration, is to be more accepting of who you are. As you appreciate the contrast, you appreciate not always consciously knowing how your desires are coming into physical reality.  Relish the mystery.  Know that by choosing to find good in everyone and in all situations, you release the divine within like sculpting angels from the marble.


You already have it 

Abandon logic. Be willing to become and allow better feeling experiences. Think only like that. Everything is moving toward presenting for you. Feel like you live where you desire, that you have the freedom to travel, to enjoy the health and well-being soul knows right now. Know bills are paid. Forget explaining how.

Realize you are responsible for choosing what you feel and the energy of your thoughts and feelings creates what you experience. Ask for the best feeling you can feel where you are. Be grateful for what you have, who you know, where you have been and how you are helping others.  Feeling vibrations define your reality.  They originate beyond physical senses.  The universe brings into form what reinforces your sense of reality.  That is, what you experience exists as non-physical energy before it manifests into being. 

Know you already have or experience what you are asking for. Although your current perception of reality may be different from what soul knows, you have the power to feel good about where you are. As you only expect good things, they arise. Let how you feel matter more than what reason says you can have or see.  Any focus on perceived lack slows down the manifestations that reinfoce feeling good.  Tell yourself its normal to feel good.  Offer the singularity of that vibration. Appreciate the non-physical shapes what you bring into being.  Accept you have untapped inner power to transform how and what you see.

This is not about economics or what numbers are currently visible in your bank account. Its about feeling energy and remembering its significance. How you feel about things emotionally determines what you sense or experience.  Stop depending on action to make things happen.  When belief is born out of manifestation, this is limiting.  Repeated thought creates your reality.  You have to think and feel differently than what you see to alter your experience.  Contrast reveals what you do want. Feel good about that.


The Code to the Matrix

Now is the perfect moment.  You are ready to access and decode the Matrix that has kept you in fear and suspended animation. You are ready to work through the illusions that keep you in the dark.  Everything you do is your choice.

I invite you to download this free 231 page book called the Code to the Matrix:

Share your comments on the perspectives presented.  Where is time losing relevance? How do you view your paradigm? What if attuning to the right frequency or right knowledge empowers you to expand? What if ideas you are given on human limitations, time, names and density of objects in space and physical reality is all innaccurate?  What if everything taught is irrelevant to what you remember now? What if you are no longer deceived because you experience inter-dimensionality?

Consider that everything you perceive is a fractal.  You sense 3 dimensions or more dimensions based on your level of awareness. There is 4d, 5d and it goes on and on...

If this topic & book interest you, tune into this internet radio show

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