How do you know the self?

Reality emerges from sound and light.
Everything you admire in others awakens it in you.
You are travelling awareness, a particle of light.
To exist outsde of time and space is a revelation.
You vibrate reality in environments you project and absorb.
Each energy being has a vibratory signature or soul imprint.
The reflection you see in mirrors is a holographic projection.
You exist beyond reason and senses in a vibratory hum.
Words that exist in your universe do not express what you are.
You expand in ways immeasurable and indetectable now.
Reader Comments (5)
and so the opposite must also be true.
then how can I defend myself in my rat-race of a job as it would seem that everything I do best brings out a jealous spasm in those who would want me to leave.
I other words, If my excellence brings on Envy in my competitors - why does their excellence simply make me like them? Something does not match here
Pay attention. A deeper reality exists beyond what you percive to be happening around you, beyond how people appear to treat you. As you admire someone, you are admiring part of inner self that is not yet awakened or validated. As you choose to feel less than you are, you identify with ego, not your infinite being. To appreciate others is another way to appreciate you. To reject others is to reject you. This negativity resonates as discomfort.
It is not your job to educate people about what you see and experience. Yet, you can set an example based on how you choose to love and accept who you are and how you use creative outlets to inspire others. You do not exist to change people, or to be more like them, but to inspire others with the joy and freedom.
To accept yourself fully awakens true perspective. You may not control how other people react or feel toward you, but you have the foresight and maturity to decide to respond with love not fear. To accept everyone and to dissolve expectations is to permit love to expand within.