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Insight of the Moment

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Everything points to the wordless

Mooji echoes that if you pay attention to thoughts, this resists accepting the real you. To feel like you are always moving, shifts attention away from that which always feels at home. Something does not journey, but stays in this moment. What comes and goes, is a dream imagined in mind. Notice whether the real or unreal has your focus.

As you say, "I am that," this is not a concept. Nisargadatta Maharaj and other teachers echo the witness is something else. Only through direct experience does one discern whether the seer has interest in what is observed. The pure witness has no form, no interest, no quality or identity. All learning is internalized until it is outgrown and let go.

So, all thought and knowledge arise as pointers to eternal light. The mind fears losing its projected identity, and sees words and beliefs as valuable. What happens as you ask, 'can the knower or eternal light be known?' Intuitively, it is recognized that the witness of all dreams, of all words and energy vibration, exists in the silence within.

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May 25, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermooji

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