What is successive knowing?

Different perspectives exist concerning successive and body or mind knowing. Some cultures are familiar with reincarnation. This is the idea that the soul lives on in different physical bodies or forms, and can access stored memories of lives in other bodies or forms. What would you say if everything you have ever thought, felt, wanted or done is stored as energy in a cloud that is accessible?
Some people indicate this triggers association with the trill character Dax in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Other people refer to Buddhist or other Eastern views that consider reincarnation not as a belief, but an example of inner knowing based on practical experience and connections with spiritual (non-physical) realms. As your curiosity peaks, you wonder how to truly figure this out.
To focus your heart on certain feelings allows you to attune to the flow. As you express earnest interest and get clear about your intention, this invites you to remember what is most relevant and appropriate at this moment. Everyone has opportunities to grow aware, and choose to dis-associate from judgment and contradictions. Belief systems are what obscure the inner truth and keep you from remembering the feeling of being in the vortex. Tune into my April 4/5 Blog talk radio show, or the recorded archives for engaging dialogue on this topic: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/liara-covert
Everything can be experienced as aligning layers of Cosmic Synchronicity. How does it resonate with you?
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Greetings Liara from our pilgrimage along the length of the Appalachian Trail.