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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in expansion (73)


Embrace incoming activations

Notice big transformational shifts may centre on the root chakra. Building energies are prompting us to question beliefs and bravely release old paradigms. Everything invites being strong. Power struggles may be occurring. Those that appear external simply relfect internal energy recalibration. The heart knows we are meant to put Self first. We are prompted to to so more than ever. Being clear and firm with what is okay invites focus on boundaries and self-care. Ensure direction you head in is aligned with is aligned with Soul purpose. Trust you are on track with Higher Self. When you have one hand on one door and reach for the next, but do not let go, you may feel stretched in different directions. If you resist commiting or taking leaps of faith, you will experience pain-(emotional, physical, mental). Recognize old beliefs, conditioning and associated life situations do not work. Be the flow. Follow synchtonicity. Ease into streams of experience that resonate with Soul. Big changes are underway. New psychic abilities are coming through for those being open and receptive. Imagine being telekinetic, bilocating, enegaging The bridge between realities has merged. We all must align with the cosmic mission of Divine Love to all Beings so to raise the frequency of the planet and all Beings. Must not allow fear to take over. Current news and events echo losing more freedoms in 3D. Recall we are not bound by 3D and in fact, surpass it. Do not judge that which you do not understand. Instead, seek to offer Love first. Time is a mad-made construct along with limitations. As we sleep, cosmic energies and incoming codes reprogram our cells to access expanded dimensional realities. We download information that may be translated into creative expression. When we wake up in the morning, grounding is really important for integrating what the Soul has received. As long as we release that which no longer serves us, it dawns that light is always first. Hold Love in your heart. Be excited about incoming activations. Everything is preparing each of us for the unforeseen.


Tune into resonance with Creation

Notice telepathic communication is ongoing with the Sun, clouds, rocks, sand, shells, ocean and more. All that is nature is vibrating its own unique language calling us to tune into resonance with creation. Activating traits of higher consciousness triggers the cosmic connection & deeper remembering. Having downloaded the relevant information, it dawns what it is to be fully functioning. Seeing the wider perspective invites anchoring this into being and remembeing this is always about opening the heart. Imagine everything is a call for love or a message about love. Its that simple. (Digital canvas: artist unknown)


Recognize the hidden cosmic message

Notice rising above a "problem" expands perception into higher dimensions so one sees beyond it. Einstein echoes 'no problem can be solved at the same level of consciousnes that created it.' To feel into the big galactic picture requires we detach from 3D reality. If you accept the 3D pandemic narrative, or allow emotion, fear and ego to drive you, then you miss the nature of cosmic events leading to even bigger energetic transformations at-hand. ( Thus, the instigating of 3D "distractions.") Imagine this is not about ‘raising the vibration of the 3D’. This 3D reality may be viewed as a standing wave of Separation Consciousness within the Universal Torus. It’s the Unity Consciousness of the Soul that raises in vibration, just as Gaia is doing now. Each Soul chooses to surf certain streams of consciousness and exit the fun-nel on its own terms. Imagine the Earth is to be cleansed in a ball of fiery plasma. High vibrational life does not survive the 3D as it diverges. Souls choose to leave as streams of light emerging in varied directions. Through awareness, one sees an energetic web that streams of light flow out through or merge into. Its like a pulsating resonance of interweaving light (what some have called a “5D Crystalline Grid”) Plasma beings will indeed survive this shift in the lower densities and have the purpose to support the lower dimensional earth grid following the cleansing. The build-up of cosmic energies is echoed in the unravelling of the consensus construct of the Old Earth. At the perfect moment, we will experience what Jim Henson presents as a meatphor in the Dark Crystal- the Great Conjunction comes! This Event points to the convergence of the Galactic, Solar and Earth Pole Shift Cycles. Seeing from this point of view helps to reframe and to accept the energetic process within. Simply unravel and let go of fixed beliefs and ties to the Old 3D Paradigm. It's inviting alignment of 4 key centres of consciousness: your own soul, Gaia, the Solar Logos and the galactic core. Whether we are truly awake or not, these are all interrelated and moving together. At this stage, the physical world may assume a more wave-like quality. The fading of the magnetic field softens the qualities of the physical. (I see this as periodic undulating ground beneath my feet or blurring of vision to refocus on the energetic). This is a natural occurrence for those NOT in fear as the Earth’s Pole Shift draws nearer. The state of one's perception simply reflects a choice of direction to flow. So, stay in fear-based reality or shift into a higher vibrational existence. No more sitting on the fence. Then, it hits! I sense a building stream of plasma energy growing and splitting in the field. This is heavily reshaping landscape of 3D Earth as key cosmic cycles complete.  Moving beyond thought allows deep trust, surrender to True Nature.


You are the key to the door

Notice expansion of consciousness begins dimly where one perceives nothing of other objects and beings, but only inner experiences of one's own Soul. As perception develops, it grows creative. As maturity and integrity occur, multidimensional perception emerges. One begins to discern a wider spectrum of colours, sounds and textures. The coalescing of once familliar senses allows one to begin to tune into diverse roles being played in the big picture. Innersight or psychic consciousness arises based on energetics. The nature of the endocrine system and its role in our optimal functioning of Being enters awareness. Through ceremony and spiritual practices, biocircuitry illuminates to come online. As vibration rises, remembering deepens. The higher the frequency of your energy or vibration, the lighter you feel in your physical, emotional, and mental bodies, the less you need to eat to sustain yourself. You experience greater personal power, clarity, peace, love, and joy. You have little, if any, discomfort or pain in your physical body, and emotions are easily managed. As self-trust grows, the nature of energy centres, planetary, pyramid and star grids, as well as what is required to reactivate them, enters conscious awareness. It dawns certain structures and beings are invisible to the senses until one can handle the flow of intense energy required to illuminate one's inner circuit board. Only those vibrating at extremely high frequencies match the frequencies of crystal temples and pyramids and can enter sacred rooms. Certain higher vibrational temple doorways emit a long white flame. Imagine a cosmic gateway, which links this planet to other galaxies and also acts as a direct link to the Divine Source. HUmanity has reached a point when different versions of Earth are arising. It is imperative to come to understand the energetic nature celestial bodies and their meaning to us. They are the language of our consciousness and the path for different advanced technologies. Choosing love is choosing to work directly with your consciousness and Spirit. Entering into dialogue with beings that are currently beyond the widespread level of collective perception, can guide one to deeper inner knowing that is always available to everyone.



Expand into True Self

Notice as one grows conscious, it dawns the light body is designed to take in energy to expand into more of True Self. This relates to how harmoniously you live (in thought, word, action). Living consistently in integrity is an act of self-love, respect and compassion.  This has energetic consequences for activating the light body. The resulting expansion makes room to receive higher vibrational light codes into your DNA. As this light is activated, your system actualizes the frequency, radiates it outward and shifts your perception of reality. One sees, embodies different versions of Self in parallel timelines.