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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in energy (254)


Mount resistance or release it

From where you now stand, you begin to understand energy takes different forms and formless states.  You begin to realize not everyone sees, experiences and interprets energy in the same way.  Things happen that enable you to know with great clarity and precision the answers to your questions.  You re-energize all you are.  Time and space have nothing to do with it.  You mount resistance or release it.  You allow degrees of freedom and expand or, postpone this.


Thrive where you are

The authentic you thrives in its core vibration. Negativity simply distracts you. The authentic you exists beyond beliefs. It does do not change in response to critics or when you pinch yourself off for fun. The authentic you is unwavering despite external conditioning, ingrained attitudes and all you are taught. You choose to forget your abundance, your vibrational legacy, so to experience things money cannot buy. How do you feel about what you are doing right now?

As you accept all that you are in the present tense, you are accepting all you are becoming and aligning with a cosmic whirlpool of unlimited possibilities. The sign of how well you are doing, of how self-accepting you are, is how you are feeling. Notice your skin glows in joy. You know you are worthy. The energy erupting from within is immeasurable and expands you beyond belief. Inspiration is vivid in your mind's eye. You appreciate and act on impulses in the moment.

Feel the multi-sensual side of things that prompts you to withdraw from everything except your vibrational reality.  There's not turning back. You only feel healthy.  You reach a place where you liberate self from imagined limitations.  You embrace the clarity that never leaves you.


Create more deliberately now

Everything you deliberately create begins to emerge long before you experience the manifestation. You know the true nature of who you are and the implications. The degree you choose to consciously accept this shapes not what unfolds or, what exists, but how quickly you accept and experience what already is. Each word and thought is like a cloud that obscures the truth or a gust of wind that blows clouds away. A human mind does not begin to imagine what it means to align with your Source energy and power.  Feel it.


Possibilities & solutions are yours

Every moment, you are invited to awaken to aspects of yourself, to the freedom and clarity that are yours. You embody more possibilities and solutions than you consciously realize. You accept and allow self-awareness to flourish or, resist the clearing process that empowers you to see through illsions you create. When you accept what you know, questions vanish. All you ever need is already here. The essence of being always feels good. The physical you responds to external stimuli and moulds the creative clay of your reality. Unlimited opportunities exist. What do you not choose to see? Why feel less than you are?

From the mind's view in the physical world, many choices, actions or conditions would satisfy you. Mind asumes you must exert effort, do things, get places to achieve, check items off a list, or in essence, obtain something you do not yet have. This view overlooks the core of your being is joyful being or doing already.

Listen to the heart. It echos you can feel happy doing anything. Amidst all perceived choices, the feeling of love and connection to what you do not see enables the fullness of who you are to flow through you. Where and how you focus attention determines if you are receptive to opportunities present now. Be open and allow energy to flow. Possibilities and solutions are yours as you make the most of where you are.


Forget what's lost

Ever notice that its harder to find certain things when you focus on what you are convinced you have lost? When you are not focusing attention on what is apparently missing, and you turn away toward something else, is it not incredible how missing things mysteriously reappear? Many people ask, "what is it with that?" 

Consider how something in your vibration creates every experience. Consider that as you are vibrating the story, "I do not know where it is," then the thing continues to exist and vibrate in a place beyond the scope you are focusing on. Consider how you feel when something disappears.  Whatever the feelings, irritation, frustration, anger or others, they are in your vibration before the manifestation, before the disappearance of something you are now looking for.  Every experience has at its core the intention to empower you to raise awareness of the real issue. And this is not that which evokes the same feeling o the surface.  It is deeper.