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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in energy vibration (34)


Everything is perfect now

Notice how you observe and interpret.  Notice how you feel about your true self.  Consider for a moment, that everything is perfect, that you are perfect as you are.  Soul-level energy vibration resonates you are loved unconditionally and nothing needs fixing.  Consider what kind of messages you receive or believe that contradict this story. How do you feed the fire?

The soul constantly echoes uplifting feelings about the limitless being you are.  The heart feels its way to credible answers.  You know your inner self better than anyone else.  Mind grounds its understanding of you in what the physical senses reveal or conceal, in what appears to be missing, in all you are not.  You choose your focus.  Every choice is part of the timeless journey.


Feel your way to success

This is the moment to feel your way to success in every area of your life.  Reflect on your understanding of the term, 'success.' Many people link it with struggle, anxiety, blood, sweat and tears.  Many people are convinced they must wait or exert certain effort to experience success as a possible eventuality.  If you do not already feel successful right now, it is the perfect occasion to make a shift in how you view yourself.

Consider the perspective that success is something you are born with.  From this vantage point, it is not something to be pursued.  From this place, failure does not exist and reasons for worry fade away.  Rather than linked to a particular result, decide its a trained state of mind. Imagine how success feels in a particular project, job interview, or other circumstance.  Realize feeling good where you are influences your energy vibration and essence of being. To feel as though you lead a meaningful life is not quantifiable or measurable.  It relates to your innate self-confidence, discerning unlimited talents, disregarding external criticism and the lies echoing from the inner judge.  This is about accepting not resisting all you offer now.  Everything you want is already yours.  The way you feel is the basis of everything you experience now.


Accept your cutting edge

As you deliberately focus attention on ideas and experiences, you influence the momentum and direction of your vibration, and the nature of conditions you invite into your life.  As you feel the rightness of certain choices, grow aware of what evokes good feelings inside.  Its like you gather momentum of everything that is required to make things show up in your visceral experience.  Every choice inspires you to feel more clarity about conditions and events that are bringing your dreams and what you are asking for into being.  Whatever you focus on activates a thought vibration and law of attraction responds to all of it now.

What is thought? To give your attention to anything activates the underlying energy vibration within you. To feel inspired is to validate the impulse to act. Motivation is the desire to act against or resist something. Notice your thinking tendencies. Do you imagine problems into being?, Do you self-criticize and discourage self from trusting intuition? Or, do you heed the pulses within that prompt you to feel secure confidence, that remind you of knowing you already have what you want? Recognize the power of that infallible, emotional guidance system. It always tells you where you stand between perception of 'here and there.'

Notice you realize every thought you put into motion. Notice the underlying vibrations of love and fear.  Being aware of difference and your freedom to choose means you accept you are at the cutting edge of creation.  You awaken to the journey of moving to align energetically with knowing. Every thought and feeling is a timeless teacher. You are student, teacher and energy being always transforming into more.


Practice the Middle Way

The concept of the Middle Way arises as you do not completely deny your desires yet, you also do not succomb to all of them either.  As part of awakening, you rediscover how it feels to live in balance and harmony.  How often do you actually nurture inner being?

Finding that 'happy medium' is not about giving up dreams or ignoring who you are.  In fact, its about remembering how to be centred, patient and spiritually-poised when events run smoothly as well as when they do not.  Its about choosing to see the bright side or blessings in all circumstances.  Its about choosing love over the ego compulsion to be right.  Its about being aware of the compassion in your blood. 

Every choice you make emits energy vibration. As life unfolds, every cause has an effect. Some you choose to see and others you do not. How and what you perceive, any opportunities you notice, result from more than thought. Recognition reveals its Cosmic Synchronicity.


This is the perfect moment

You exist intent on reaching a place that connects you with who you are.  Being in the body is as easy as you choose.  Notice where you direct your attention.  You feel the subtle energies running through you.  In fact, energy is you.  This is the underlying current of creation.  It is the perfect moment to experience revelatons about your true formless, inconceivable and limitless self. How do you feel?

The more attention you direct in certain directions, the stronger your focus on the energy field in your midst.  The image that arises in mind is already taking shape in physical form. Your feelings are making it happen.  How you feel is what makes it seem real. You are a seeker and a finder.  This is part of the process of growing more conscious and listening to your self.  Its also Cosmic Synchronicity.