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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in ego (90)


See where you are helps you

Right now, you could list all the things ego mind perceives are uncomfortable or going "wrong" on your life.  Yet, you could also choose to find advantages about every circumstance. What is your choice? What is your conditoned habit? Are you ready for change?

Every moment is ripe for raising awarness of opportunities to shift vantage point. Give yourself the task of finding at least one blessing in every situation that bothers you.  Notice the change in your state of mind and being. Journal your reflections. Decide to focus on the growth that is emerging within you.  You are taking the responsibility to find inspirations to Transform Your life.


Who chooses among the possibilities?

Quantum physics teaches that human beings sense the truth of their existence through infinite perspectives of consciousness.  The movement of objects presents in terms of possibilities. You may ask who or what chooses among these many options? What happens as you discover you have creative control over your experience?

Consciousness itself unfolds based on free will.  Experience systematically narrows possibilities.  The observer is not included in impressions of quantum physics.  The subject is more fundamental.  Humans perceive things based on memory.  They view self in time and space to narrow possibilities.  To move beyond the senses allows you to experience things that remind you much exists beyond what you are taught to believe is real.  Have faith.  Trust.

When you view the self as separate, or as an object in consciousness, then you have not yet let go of the subject-object perception.  Direct experience reminds you everything is an extension of you.   As you step outside illusion, you no longer feel separate from anything.  A force within feels an awakening of absolute freedom.

In essence, you reconnect with who you are from consciously engaging in non-ordinary states-of being.  This awakens states of consciousness you temporarily forget.  You can detach from perceptions you pick up in the physical that distract you and contribute to dis-alignment.  You connect with guides to steer you back on track.

It is said an effective way to manifest your own dreams is to realign with Source energy and help others to help themselves.  Every moment, you are a more conscious participant in the cosmic shift of consciousness.  You create your reality and manifest the ego and quantum self as part of Cosmic synchronicity. Help others-get there from here. 


Set yourself free

As you recognize yourself as you truly are, you would never desire any change.  You give full attention to what is. There is no perception of boredom, no reason for worry.  You strengthen awareness and forget past and future.

Imagine you are already serene, content and all you experience is aligned with the full beauty of life.  You evolve to sense what you think about in the very same moment. That is, when you permit the mind to create any sensation other than love, acceptance and gratitude, you shift into that vibration, and so it is unless you shift back to love.

What does it mean to set self free? One view is it means you are willing to re-align with the centre of who you are, the core of everything, to dissolve pain and realize emotional and other illusions cease to exist. To recognize infinite, inner power is to realize you transform perception of apparent setbacks into major advantages.

You also sense the potential for increasing awareness indefinitely, to transcend ego awareness, and to move into cosmic consciousness.  This is the endless love and peace you begin to associate with Cosmic Synchronicity.


How are you a conduit?

You are a conduit for love.  As you allow your vision to open up to everything, you choose to love everything and everyone more, and respond only from the vibration of this place.  You consciously choose to live from this place.

To connect with emotion encourages you to live in harmony with every vibration.  This means you are willing to permit energy to expand within and feel it as it is.  In this way, emotions reflect surroundings and passing desires.  From the moment you see through everything other than love, it is all a timeless teacher that attunes you to love. 

Right now, you are in the process of remembering how to experience emotions as transparent mirrors. As you sense underlying reason for desires, motives and wishes, you gradually detach from controlling ego personality. 

Every moment, you grow more aware of reality beyond matter and form. You access inner knowing to dissipate illusion and begin to sense you are an agent of sensitive response.  The implications are up to your free will.


Why are you here?

Human beings are inquisitive creatures.  They tend to ask loads of questions and search for answers.  You may begin to sense it all leads back to the fundamental idea of why you exist.

In my ebook, Expand Consciousness Now, 185pages of tools and strategies alert people to how they think and feel.  How would life change if you always processed material to your best advantage? You would expand tremendously, accelerate learning, discern differently, multi-process more efficiently.

Consider that unconsciously, you process energy on many different levels that are not recognized by the conscious self.  They key to remembering is to align unconscious ability with conscious awareness. 

Imagine how your life transforms already.  Awaken to the ability to sift through thought data bilaterally and inter-dimensionally.  Open to capacity to read energy, feelings and retrieve data from everywhere. 

You can empower self to discern illusions more consciously, to detect underlying motivations in self and others, to trust what is in your best interest, sense what is purely ego-based and also learn key lessons.