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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in destiny (16)


Move with the energy

You may think you can ignore certain thought energies yet, each one is destined to flow in its own time.  Suppression simply postpones expression.  Each one signals a path to the centre.  You can see through the self-expression to see eternal being arising. 

Understand your true, unchanging position.  As awareness, one does not express, suppress or even touch energy.  One simply watches it come and go in waves.  One follows the path back to source.  Here, all subsides in the formless and all is known.  Energy is what it is: neutral.  Mind gives it form. Notice whether you allow or resist the natural flow.  As energy returns to source, it is neither love nor hate, but innocence.   


Each path is equally noble

While in the process of awakening, you may question which choices are more noble.  As you move beyond the inner judge, you realize that all paths have consequences, much like every cause has an effect.  No experience is actually better than any other.  Each one simply offers its own insight about being a master. 

Imagine that you are always being nudged to accept the mastery within. Whenever you ponder your destiny, you forget that at a given moment, all choices you make are the right ones.  All feelings you allow to flow are part of a process.  You are invited to open, accept and surrender to the elements of existence.


Allow energies to flow

Part of you feels on the verge of great things.  Part of you believes in life, fears death and clings to linear time. Yet, just because the mind believes something to be true, does not ensure it is. Discernment reveals what matters.

Another part of you already feels great, even perfectly balanced. This part of you senses a physical body is not all there is.  You feel energy pulses within vibrate back and forth.  Personality adjustments happen as you are ready.

Infinite choices exist.  The interdependence of all matter, forms and formless connections remind you a variety of influences shape what you manifest.  You control your destiny.  You decide to create what you believe is real.

As you allow energy to flow, you may sense the room where you are is no more material than the body you project.  You co-create and remember the feeling of waves of gratitude.  It acknowledges Cosmic Synchronicity.


What if everything is self-sustainable?

Most people have no idea what is technically-feasible and to what degree they permit themselves to be controlled by media and existing systems. What if the idea of a free market actually prevents equality, perpetuates conflict, competition and the 'us and them' mentality? What if your choices shape not only your experience now but also the collective destiny of humanity? What if you dissolve all teaching in favor of a self-sustaining perspective?

Consider ideas in this interview echo that money and other tools you are given exist to teach you that survival is based on self-interest, on proving superiority and fighting others to establish market share or place in a hierarchy in comparison to others.  What if much of what you currently buy could be produced to last forever or at least a very long time? What if jobs as they are now, grow obsolete? What if the military ceased to exist, people refused to join? Create the vision for a very different world and imagine what is required to evolve into it. What are you?

What if individual and collective consciousness is changing? How do you sense next stages of existence?


Rediscover harmony

As you trust what is the 'right' thing to do, you meet your destiny.  You are invited to turn adopted perceptions inside out, to reflect on what is indispensable, and discard or detach from all else.

The creative force of concentration draws your attention to anything that enables you to become one.   It is not the form an action takes but the underlying intention that drives it, that matters.  

Choose to remember who you are.  Everyone has the capacity to transcend all belief systems, labels and assocations to tune into the timeless tonality that is you. This is beyond anything in your universe.

The divine vibration that is you has no beginning or no end.  Remove imagined names. What you feel does not need a name.  It requires no explanation. It just is.  You are back to square one, where it begins.