What if everything is self-sustainable?

Most people have no idea what is technically-feasible and to what degree they permit themselves to be controlled by media and existing systems. What if the idea of a free market actually prevents equality, perpetuates conflict, competition and the 'us and them' mentality? What if your choices shape not only your experience now but also the collective destiny of humanity? What if you dissolve all teaching in favor of a self-sustaining perspective?
Consider ideas in this interview echo that money and other tools you are given exist to teach you that survival is based on self-interest, on proving superiority and fighting others to establish market share or place in a hierarchy in comparison to others. What if much of what you currently buy could be produced to last forever or at least a very long time? What if jobs as they are now, grow obsolete? What if the military ceased to exist, people refused to join? Create the vision for a very different world and imagine what is required to evolve into it. What are you?
What if individual and collective consciousness is changing? How do you sense next stages of existence?

Reader Comments (3)
One can look at life as being one giant hypnotic event. If we take someone's suggestion and believe it to be true, then we look for and see this so called truth in everything we see. Therefore, we are all conditioned to believe in the reality or the social and economic systems that prevail. When we detach from these beliefs, we can begin believing in what we envision the world to be. This then is an act of self hypnosis. It still is an illusion, but what one feels is then our own personalized experience. We begin to live on our own terms. We are therefore our own creator. If we begin to remember and to see that we are personally responsible for the world as we see it, then we shall collectively begin to shape our thoughts and actions towards a more balanced perspective where all dreams are respected and encouraged to come true. Therefore, our next stage is where we are all our own actors, directors, and producers of the skit we are performing. We will become interested in a quality performance.
Planned Obsolence was a phrase I've always remembered and been horrified by .. I heard it when I was working for a tiny photographers' marketing business in about 1975 .. and that phrase has always hung around .. negatively, but not as negatively now as regarding his comments re the environment etc etc.
Then the mention of how his ideas can be achieved will not be at all easy, as the whole system is based on the pyramid effect - government is, the army is, corporations are etc etc
Thank you for bringing it to my attention - I'll keep an eye open, now I know Peter Joseph's name ..
Hilary Melton-Butcher
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