5 things to allow you to thrive

Whether unconsciously or during silent contemplation, we regularly ask ourselves what can we do to be truly authentic, more accepting of ourselves and others, and instrumental in expansion or allowing something beyond us to reveal more of the wider Truth. The short answer is it all begins within. recalibration is ongoing. Although we may not yet consciously experience our innate power in all its facits, there exist things we can do to thrive. Consider these 5 tips:
1. Grow aware of disempowering beliefs and replace them with empowering ones
As we do this, we feel and observe the resulting rapid changes that happen in our lives, Changes in conditions only seem to take effort or magic when we do not understand the energetic forces behind them.
2. Feel and tune into joy as pure energy
As you choose to be joyful, laugh spontaneously more often and do those things that evoke joy, you constantly revitalze and inspire yourself to create amazing things and enrich this world.
3. Express what we love about ourselves and others
As we express love openly without fear, we are healing a part of ourselves that never received the attention and appreciation it deserved early in this life and in other lives (if the pattern). Share how you feel. Be creative and specific about how and what you love. Say it loud and clear.
4. Realize this is about unlearning more than learning
As it hits thriving is not about doing more, but about letting go of more of the filters that block it, we discover doing less, letting go of control, has a greater impact than we ever thougth possible.
5. Breathe the way to clarity
The power of the breath and breathwork are often understimated. The pace and rhythm of your breath shares your story of love and fear. Pay attention. The intensity or tranquility of the breath speaks volumes about the degree to which you thive. Accepting this process is not really about you. It is an exercise in humility. The human in you is driven by ego wants and desires. Consciousness and a larger reality unfolds without you. It moves through the breath. Revelations reveal themselves with perfect timing.