Recognize who you are

Come to your own recognition about who you are. Do not listen to anything the mind comments about this. Thoughts are created and perceived to invite you to notice who you are not. Something watches thoughts. Do not focus on memory. Even this is imagined. Do not accept what you are told, what you read or believe. Look deeper.
Something observes the gradual losing of the identity. Notice what you are not losing importance and fading out of your scope of awareness. Certain labels and self perceptions are irrelevant and disappear. You give up sports training and no longer view yourself as a competitive athlete. Everything is and yet your focus goes from general to specific and gradually to nothing. You can say you are not what you do, not "X, Y, or Z" but what is left? Who can appear and see without you? Sense it in silence.
"We live at the threshold of a universal recognition that the human being is not mere matter, but a potent, energetic field of consciousness." - Michael Beckwith