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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in awareness (633)


Everything is divine timing

Know that whatever is unfolding always in your best interest of growth and awakening.  Wherever your focus of attention is at present is not consciously taking in all the details.  Be open to new poosibilities, to expanding on your current perspective.  Notice that coincidences only exist in the mind.  Everything is inter-connected; people and animals you encounter, the circumstances, the pace with which events unfold and subtle nuances you gradually awaken to discover.  Be open to receive the messages:


"All things entail rising and falling timing. You must be able to discern this."
-Miyamoto Musashi


Know where you want to be 

Knowing where you want to be is the crux of everything.  The mind may tell you one thing and the heart another.  How do you reconcile things?  Is there any need?

It serves you to get in touch with the nature of your personality, your motivations and underlying fears. Consider the possibility that your choices and experiences are intricately connected to aspects of yourself that are not always fully conscious. Notice what you are committed to and determined to make happen. Could it be thoughts you are thinking and actions you are taking do not feel the best? It is always possible to tap into healthy energy and new inspiration. Get in touch with what matters to the soul.

"Things won are done, joy's soul lies in the doing." -William Shakespeare 


Notice hidden treasure

Life is a dream.  Notice whether you leave footprints.  Notice what you feed the mind and heart.  Do you nourish and sustain yourself with beliefs and judgments? Listen closely to the words you choose, the emotional reactions that erupt and come to see them as they are.  Thought energy serves you and also flows without you.  Watch.

Notice the nature of dream walking and the pace slows. Be silent and shift focus from being to non-being, from perceived existence to non-existence. Notice the spirit has no hunger. It is illuminated as light. The phoenix emerges from the ashes and transforms into a bird of paradise through the power of intention and integrity. Feel the hidden treasure that never loses direction and never seeks one. The secret is no secret.

"The psyche of man is dreaming all the time, consciously as well as unconsciously.  The dreams we have at night are only a small part of this totality." - Swami Satananda Saraswati


Stop, and see what happens

Notice what happens as you stop doing, denying or asserting anything.   This means you cease agreeing and disagreeing, shift to the silent observer perspective.  Feel the state of receptivity, the awareness that knows you have never been what you appear or pretend to be.  Everything points toward something that is is listening attentively now. 

Now, this kind of listening is not limited to sound.  It goes deeper, to detect energy of love and fear, to feel sensations of the unspeakable.  It recognizes everything is constantly communicating with and through you in its own language.  Attune to what the body is telling you through signals, to what the mind says through its ego personality.  Notice the power and intention in silence.  Read the sand, moon and stars.  Every aspect of nature is engaged in soulful dialogue. Are you aware?

"I guess I've spent my life listening to what wasn't being said." -Eli Khamarov


Listen to silent whisperings

Notice how you are opening to a deeper trust in the heart, in intuition, in the timeless teacher of inner being.  You may find yourself poised between laughter and silence.  You may begin to notice nothing stands between here and here but yourself.  What does it feel like? What happens as you listen to the silent whisperings?

Something about the unfolding nature of energy connects you with the flow of the world, the current of everything.  You sense everything is alive, aware and soulful, staring right back through your entre being.  Suddenly, everything is in this moment; the answer to all questions, the key to destiny and more. Where to from here? Why go anywhere?

"Silence is the language of God.  All else is a poor translation." - Rumi