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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in attention (44)


What do you reject?

On some level, every human being rejects aspects of the true self.  Why? Only you can answer such a question for yourself as you choose to be honest and attune to the messages you are always given. 

Negative thoughts or emotions draw attention to discomfort.  This actually draws attention to what you reject.  And yet, human beings have free will.  You do not focus on certain things by your own choice.

Consider that all human beings have a mystical side yet not everyone accepts mystical parts of the self. Why?  Fear of the unknown. Human beings are conditioned what to accept and reject. You listen or not.

Soul knows you as an energy being of peace and joy now. As you permit mental training to mould you into what you are not, you shift focus away from the timeless beauty and unconditonal love you are.

As you attune to how you really feel, you consciously make decisions in alignment with that or not.  You have reasons for listening to the mind or the heart. Every experience is meaningful for its lessons.  


Pay attention to nothing & why

Perceived problems arise when you focus attention on objects, events and sensations that reinforce your belief in time and space.  What if all your supposed issues are easily dissolved by simply paying attention to nothing? How then can you identify situations that do not matter and free yourself from them?

1) Initiate shifts in awareness.  A human being is unable to think at the same time as be fully aware of space and silence. You may think you multi-task effectively, but you are unable to focus full attention on more than one place at one time.  Sources of disruption, stress or anxiety all compel you to think. Mental training allows you to learn to turn it off at will.

2) Bring the unmanifest to your attention. People do not usually focus on what they do not see.  And yet, as you grow aware something holds up the physical forms you experience, you trigger new levels of awareness.  You withdraw energy from what appears to be going on outside and turn inward.  To develp a sense of the formless dimension empowers you to evolve.  You begin to realize all form  dissolves and nothing matters as much as you thought.  You gain perspective.

3) Reframe your sense of reality.  To realize layers of energy exist gives you insight into spaces you currently see and do not see.  You are conscious of your own perceved dimensions of time and space. They frame a sense of physical existence.  As you sense energy form is impermanent and unstable, you nurture fear about what may or may not be and create misperception of what you are.  Detaching from these brings you face-to-face with presence.  You transcend illusion.


10 common mistakes & how to avoid them

Some people get drowsy or feel drained at particular times of the day. When do you feel most energetic or grumpy? You may feel prone to certain situations and struggle to grasp why. Consider these ten common mistakes and how to avoid them;

1) Believe mistakes exist. In truth, all experience is valuable and the concept of mistake is misleading. In essence, you convince yourself you have done something incorrect as a distraction from learning. To decide all experience is valuable shifts your focus from the illusive duality of right and wrong.

2) Choose not to pay attention. Deciding not to notice your behaviour suggests apathy or indifference and also possible unconscious motives. Anyone with this mindset is vulnerable to missed opportunities. Choosing to raise self-awareness empowers you to play a more active role in your destiny.

3) Blame circumstances on timing. How you choose to use the time you are given is what determines the nature of your life. If you hesitate to make certain decisions based on assumptionsabout "the right time," then you areunaware this mindset is problematic. Nothing is set in stone, now or ever.

4) Allow emotions to control you. Strong emotions emerge to reflect feelings about security, esteem and self-worth. People do not always realize that intense emotions distort their perception and trigger reactions that can be counter-productive. To shift in meaningful ways, make adjustments. Emotions can guide, but they are not your decision-makers.

5) Raise expectations. Whenever you anxiously await or anticipate things to happen, you forget about presence and get stuck in a future mindset. To heighten your expectations is to strengthen your footfold in the future. This does not help you as much as if you learn to dissolve yens for specific outcomes.

6) Assume you know everything. Pride, shame, fear of humiliation all surface in relation to arrogance. If you only believe you experience the truth, you are not open to receiving energy in form of other people's truths. Lao Tzu also adds, "Without going out-of-doors, one can know all he needs to know. Without even looking out of his window, one can grasp the nature of everything. Without going beyond his own nature, one can achieve ultimate wisdom... without undue exertion."

7) Ignore intuition. Not listening to your inner voice implies you lose touch with reality. Your mind, body and spirit are not consistently aligned. If they are, youhave unwavering faith in your premonitions and gut feelings. Trust in how to apply abilities is the secret of reconnecting to your core self. Unlock your inner door. You hold the key to intuitive understanding.

8) Allow dilemmas to perplex you. When you permit conditions outside yourself to control you, this distracts you from presence. You may be choosing to learn from a particular distraction, but recognizing it for what it is is the beginning of dissolving it. Choose to be solutions-oriented.

9) Be closed-minded. Not opening up keeps you in the dark about your conditions and what you are bound to encounter. To gain insight into what helps and hinders you, just observe whatgoes on around you. Work to transcendlayers of mystery and clarify what makes sense as you learn what not to do.

10) Get caught up in ego. A focus on material goals, external approval or competition suggests you are fixated on self-interest and measurable results. This kind of mindset invites energy imbalances.  Learning about energy healing and alignment is helpful in relation to psychological patterns. You can employ practical techniques to help detach from ego.


Staying power

Notice the conditions and relationships that have staying power or longevity in your life.  What keeps them in your scope or focus of attention?  What solidifies a bond between friends or partners and convinces them to 'stick it out' even when circumstances are difficult? What keeps certain people connected?

"The prospect of growing old together," admit one middle-aged couple.

"The loneliness I see among mature singles around me," replies one married man.

"We give each other strength," admits a female partner of 10 years.

"The joys of our children and grandchildren," explain grandparents.

"Shared values," notes a married woman.

You hear about financial troubles, serious illness, workaholism and other hurtful habits or activities, and yet, people who choose to stay connected somehow recognize how trivial many of their trials, disagreements or concerns really are.  They talk things out and let go.  They learn how not to hold grudges.  Instead, they focus on what brought them together.  They reminisce about how and why they overcame problems in the past. 

Couples that stay together through hardship learn it enables them to grow stronger and build trust. They learn the value of apology and forgiveness in and work through destructive, negative thoughts and feelings.  Healthier relationships are those where partners find ways to face the truth about themselves and also evolve together. A shared vision, a willingness to listen to each other, can lead to a relationship with staying power.  People will often offer you advice about your life.  Evaluate it thoroughly from your perspective. You are accountable for your decisions. Depend on yourself. Have faith in yourself. Share your intuitive views and see what feels right.

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