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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in attention (44)


Reflect on dreaming

People are inspired and motivated by different things at different stages of their lives. You may find your mind in control of your attention, your heart and intuition guiding you, and even something else you cannot put your finger on at the helm of the dreaming.  Which kinds of dreams stand out for you?  Where is your focus right now?


When does it end?

You may ask, "how can one evolve if one is everything already and one cannot measure or pinpoint the quality of something?  When does evolution end? "

Wisdom echoes everything arises from the same source.  No separate individual actually exists.  The physical senses and body merely perform roles.  The journey of separate existence continues as long as 'you' perceive it. One expands into the highest places of humility unfathomable in mind. This realm of cosmic consciousness cannot be quantified and the creating is continuous.  Awareness refines itself. Decisions arise before the mind even notices choices to be made.  What you think is not in charge.


Know what you are not

To know what you are not opens you to deeper experience. Watch what happens as you surrender to the simplest way of being.  Changing the direction of attention is shifting the focus of energy.  Notice whether you struggle to do what cannot be done. Decide what is meaningful.  What if there is nothing to learn or practice? What if repeating thoughts or methods is irrelevant? As you eliminate the extraneous and know what happens when the nervous system is over-stimulated, you move beyond hallucinations.  Beliefs disintegrate.  Seeking ceases. Finding stops.  Being takes over. 


Be the real thing

To be 'the real thing' is to be here now, focused entirely in the present moment.  How does this kind of attention impact on you?  What happens to the mind and its influence on your life as thoughts cease? As you feel this moment, how do you move?

When you ask how to be present, the mind tricks you into focusing on the future.  The present already exists and passes during your inquiry.  Notice how the mind creates visions of dreams and prompts you to assume they are merely a future possibility.  What happens as there is no more motive or seeking? What remains speaks for itself.


Bound to be silent

The mind eagerly listens and anticipates for the next word or whatever it expects to be coming.  How does it react to an event? It downplays the last one, asks about and begins to plan the next one. What does mind do with silence? It grows restless, voices anxiety or shifts attention to mental noise.  As mind hangs on a state of no mind, it is faced with its greatest fear, the threat of having no identity.  Mind responds to silence by doing things to change your focus of attention. Why does silence inevitably emerge?

The deepest being is only ever silent.  To know one is awake and enlightened means one is bound to be silent.  The heart feels this as ordinary, allowing silence to be as it is. Unconditional love accepts and appreciates each moment and all it embodies.

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