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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in attention (44)


Reflect on what you attend to

Wiliam James writes, "My experience is what I attend to."  Where do you focus your attention?  Notice how the mind is focused and also relaxed.  It is selectively aware. People do not always recall how to feel and engage in the simple things without hurrying. What would it take for you to be truly present at each step of the journey? Take a moment to appreciate things. Recognize the intrinsic meaning of just being.


What is emerging?

Even right now, you are taking action that itself makes that action more beautiful. People are conditioned to focus on what they gain on a physical level.  As you begin to awaken, you gain insight into nothing.  You come to feel its the nature of love to express itself, to make itself known and to work through what unfolds.  To feel the world you perceive is love in action allows self to expand.  How to  do it? 

One suggestion is to consider how your views on suffering invite change.  Any call for attention is also a gesture of love.  The love you are exists to expand, deepen consciousness and understanding of being.  When love is withheld, suffering is permitted to spread.  You stop taking for granted dreams can exist without dreamers. You shift to focus on how everything you do is a step to Transform your life.


This is the perfect moment

You exist intent on reaching a place that connects you with who you are.  Being in the body is as easy as you choose.  Notice where you direct your attention.  You feel the subtle energies running through you.  In fact, energy is you.  This is the underlying current of creation.  It is the perfect moment to experience revelatons about your true formless, inconceivable and limitless self. How do you feel?

The more attention you direct in certain directions, the stronger your focus on the energy field in your midst.  The image that arises in mind is already taking shape in physical form. Your feelings are making it happen.  How you feel is what makes it seem real. You are a seeker and a finder.  This is part of the process of growing more conscious and listening to your self.  Its also Cosmic Synchronicity.


Be aware of nothing

Many people are focused on events that unfold in the external world.  Imagine what occurs as you shift attention from the objects and events you perceive to grow more aware of the space itself.  What if nothing is more life-transforming than noticing this nothing behind the scenes?

Allow yourself to feel the space around you.  To concentrate on nothing triggers internal shifts in awareness.  To be conscious of the space behind your focus, you begin to be aware of the feeling of emptiness or no-mind. Notice the mind cannot hang onto what it cannot conceive.

As you remember how the invisible dimension feels, you begin to remember more.  You also recognize when the real you is unbalanced.  You become more aware of fear, core well-being and what distorts deeper seeing.  Love is. Healing is not required.  Knowing is Cosmic Synchronicity.


What is growing more prevalent?

Ever notice that where you focus your attention is magnifed? That is, if you fear something, it seems to grow and come after you or produce whatever feeling interplay mirrors your inner self.  Until awareness or conscious understanding of feelings is broadcast and received by parts of the body, little progress or change is noticed.

On another level, in terms of sending telepathic signals, how often do you sense the receiver does not get it? Some people wish for someone to come home with a quart of milk and wonder why the other person does not read their mind in transit. The most effective messages stream from heart, but the heart of what? You feel the truth inside.

On still another level, you may forget that different parts of self are interacting and communicating in more ways than you consciously follow.  Those exchanges that involve consciousness may find analogy on the physical plane, but they are noticed moreseo based on sensitivity of other energetic impressions.   Recall Cosmic Synchroncity.