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Entries in anger (21)


Move beyond emotional buttons?

Emotional buttons are those parts of you that trigger discomfort when someone treats you in a certain way.  Reflect on an occasion when someone was able to set you off or make you angry.  Reflect on an occasion when you noticed what was happening but chose not to be affected inside. How do these experiences guide you along your path to awakening? What does awareness mean to you as the result of gaining insight?


What does anger teach you?

There is the idea that a person needs to lose the mind before he comes to his senses and learns to experience everything through the filter of unconditional love. If you limit your perception to the physical, then you miss what else there is.

As you evolve to touch on timeless serenity, you begin to sense you have choices about how to view anger and come to realize it is a profound teacher.  Its not a thing to overcome, it is an energy to work through. Consider how your perspective on discomfort transforms with you as you listen to the body;

1) You are a mirror for everything.  If other people evoke anger in you, then you have unrecognized or unhealed reasons to generate anger within yourself.  Notice tension and release.

2) You have choices about what to focus on.  You create what you believe in.   Exerting effort to control what does not exist actually gives it life. You grow aware of the energetic body.

3) You expand unpleasantness or not. You pay attention on the outside or on the inside. The quality of your life is basically peaceful and joyful unless you choose to focus on the outside.

4) You are unaware of what you do.  The body and mind are aware of external things and all this can be unloaded or deconditioned.  Everything is everything. You only compete with self for acceptance. The illusion of the other disappears as you detach from 'the enemy' or competition outside self.

5) Your perceived disease stems from separation from self.  To get angry and impatient at your state of health and well-being, is a natural thing to draw your attention on habits that would benefit from review. Your belief system desensitizes you to root cases of physical imbalance.

6) Your higher self is nature.  Nature speaks to you through unfiltered energy. Your paradigm shifts and when you are open, you accept knowing nothing.  You value stages of energy flow.

7) You can view control as illusion. As you sense existence in physical worlds, you notice control is viewed as important. To move to understand who you are, you consciously detach from perceived needs to control. You expand or contract at will.

8) You get angry at the self.  There is nobody to blame for negative energy you experience.  You project your shadow on others as a stage in raising awareness of who you are.  When you do not like something, you separate from them.

9) Your diet may relate.  Animals are often fed chemicals, hormones and other unnatural things to grow.  Vegetables are also grown in various ways and sometimes pesticides are used.  What you eat interacts with your biochemistry and energy vibration.  How you feel reflects what you eat.


Sandra Rogers & 11 points on anger & hate

In a book called, Lessons from the Light, Sandra Rogers shares insights about her physical life as well as how near death experiences (NDE) transformed her from the inside out.

Regardless of whether you have a view about NDEs, to keep an open mind serves you.  Real life experience teaches you negative energy obscures and separates you from positive energy.  Everyone has choices to think, feel and recharge.  Ponder what you gain from these 11 points on anger and hate;

1) Anger is love's energy misused.

2) When we hate others, we hate ourselves. They are two sides of the same coin.

3) An act of hostility, like a ripple on a pond, radiates out from the giver until eternity.

4) Holding a grudge produces negative energy.  It not only hurts the one you hold a grudge against, it also hurts you and others.

5) As long as you are a child of rage, you will not find the power to know your potential as a child of God.

6) When you feel tempted by the emotion of anger-retreat.  Anger is not the opposite of love, indifference is.  Anger is the expression of free will, often manifest as a result of feeling controlled and feeling the need to assert our willpower over others.

7) In focusing on sex, do so in Love, never in anger.  Sex is a gift from God to be given as an expression of Love.  Some choose to use sex selfishly, in anger as a weapon, believing it is giving them power and control.

8) When you see someone full of hatred or anger, treat them with love so that you can be an example they may later reflect.

9) Bigotry is self-hate.

10) Vengeance brings only trouble.

11) When you teach fear, you create hatred and anger.

In essence, the most profound revelation you can have is that everything is pointing to the love you either allow yourself to see or resist and selectively overlook.  Awaken to see.

"Hatred is a disguised form of love. You can only hate someone whom you really wish to love, because if you were totally indifferent to that person, you could not even get up enough energy to hate him."  - Sri Chinmoy


8 Ways to reframe emotions

Each human being has unconscious thresholds or limits they presume they can handle. This ranges from the amount of food you ingest to the emotional buttons that can be pressed without you losing it. Few humans have evolved to pure calm. You might presume this explains why you are still human.

Some people believe ignoring human-created limits will bring unimaginable disaster. Before you permit ideas to trigger a severe emotional reaction, consider 10 ways to reframe your understanding of emotion.What intrinsic things do you forget?

1) Anger. (opposite- Fear) Displeasure is aroused by self-delusion. To see though anger, view it as it is, dissolves its power. To believe reasons for torment is to invite them to manifest. Infinite peace already is. Energy transmutes as you decide to diffuse a situation. Awareness changes everything.

2) Struggle. (opposite- awe) This restless initiative evokes heavy energy as a way to balance an incredible lightness of being or free-flowing energy that also exists. Resistance notes a hidden growth process involving physical form and formless, nameless, indescribable things you push against now.

3) Guilt/ remorse. (opposite- love) Some people view this state as a path to healing and resurrection. Solitude stirs energy and strengthens the spirit. Attuning to love makes all else obsolete. Light heals anything you could ever fathom.

4) Grief. (opposite- joy) The bond that connects you with living beings is the same bond that connects you to that energy in other forms. That is, the degree of intensity of energy changes but not what is. You are connected in physical life, in illusion of death, to strangers, nature, everything for the same reason.

5) Pain. (opposite- delight) Another way to view this is to believe the ego collapses in stages. To discard the ego shell induces different levels of awakening. Soul rediscovers the depth of being indestructible and immortal, and alters form. Humans falsely believe they must lose in order to gain. Reality never changes, only perception and types of self-acceptance.

6) Anxiety. (opposite )To anticipate reasons for apprehension apprehension is a choice. You also have other choices among infinite possibilities that are unfolding.  Certainty, serenity and tranquility are within reach any moment. Just reach for them.

7) Disgust. (opposite- acceptance) Whatever causes loathing inside you actually reminds you of your good moral sense at the same time. You choose reasons why you relish and accept or reject. Revulsion always has ulterior motives. You express the opposite feeling to what you want.

8) Disappointment. (opposite--optimism) Any perceived failure of expectation assumes you had reason to hope in the first place.  To feel frustration or dissatisfaction it itself a wake-up call that you are not going with the flow of energy. IN truth, you never have any reason to feel let down. Be present and see.


5 Reasons to diffuse anger 

You are not forced to believe in reality. Still, reality exists whether or not you believe. Similarly, to become aware of certain feelings like anger, is to permit the feelings to be in your mind at least part of the time. To acknowledge negativity can be a step toward diffusing it and letting go so it ceases to obscure your vision. Consider five reasons to diffuse anger;

1) Energy is available elsewhere. Some people will work themselves up, get the adrenalin and heart rate pumping and sense the intensity of anger gives them renewed energy. The thing is, a person has access to unlimited energy in a peaceful state. Yet, this is poorly understood and rarely mastered.

2) Uncontrolled anger distracts. Each experience is a test that encourages you to get to the crux of a matter. To allow self to dwell on negative energy moves the focus of your energy away from love, learning and problem-solving. Quick venting is a kind of avoidance strategy and emotional control.

3) It limits sensory perception. Every moment, you feel a range of vibrations. How aware and alert you are determines what you feel or not. Negative energy is dense and  heavy.  This 'dead weight' ironically obscures your ability to explore realms beyond the physical.  You block detection of spirit.

4) It blinds you from truth. If you believe you exist to learn lessons and move beyond your current mental state, then lingering anger blinds you from the truth you seek within yourself. It is buried beneath unnecessary conditioning and veils of emotion. As you sift through, you reconnect to  a core.

5)  Alternatives exist. Letting off steam can be done in ways that do not threaten one's health and well-being.  Exploring reasons behind anger deflates its impact and helps eliminate the desire to create it.  To discern and rechannel energy empowers you to make a positive difference in lives you touch