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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "As you shift into loving and accepting yourself fully, and no longer fear being vulnerable, you reclaim personal power." Liara Covert





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4 Points to consider rather than revenge

All relationships aren't experienced in a positive light. You may be grappling with thoughts of anger or revenge you feel tempted to carry out to get even. If you've been hurt in relationships, your reflex may be to take impulsive action. Look out! Jealousy, resentment or thoughts of "not enough" can become the energy that flows in your veins and the dominant frequencies you send out. You invite more of what you think about into your life. Attracting negativity isn't in your best interest.

Allowing discomfort to control you affects your relationships in a domino affect. To help you regain control over your thoughts, feelings and impact relationships in more positive ways, you need to change focus before you take revenge or do things you might regret. As such,it makes sense to remind yourself of four things:

1) People behave based on what they know. Some people have no point of reference for love, compassion and appreciation. They may manipulate, exploit or harm people to project how they have been treated, how lost they feel, and based on examples they have seen. This scenario helps you understand why people will push away precisely what they need most, that is, people who glow with happiness or enthusiasm, who offer of guidance, gestures of compassion or other assistance. People who reject what they need fear what they don't know. Why send them more negativity? That won't help them and it won't help you nurture better relations.

2) People get wrapped up in their ego-mind. Ironically, when times are good and money flows, there can be greater dissatisfaction due to "enough syndrome".  As people envision what things could be like, they may become angry and enraged about how things actually are for them. How many people do you know who openly compare themselves to others? Do members of your family frequently talk about what you don't have that the neighbours do? Are you envious of the affection and loyalty you see in other couples, the success you witness in other businesses and levels of creative energy? Focusing on reasons for emptiness or getting even won't fill your void.  It would dig your hole deeper.  Choose to build on your strengths instead.

3) People who never get angry may be easy targets. Aggressive and angry people can easily take advantage of such people because they may cringe and back away. They don't fight back. If this sounds like you, then you choose to be a victim. You may sense helplessness and get anxious, afraid, and depressed. Lashing out to make up for lost time isn't the answer. Do you treat other people as you desire to be treated? This invites treatment you want. Sending thoughts of love and forgiveness and then, disciplining yourself to shift focus would be more effective. Ensure your actions don't undermine or contradict your intentions for enriching relationships.

4) Most behavior is learned early in life. If a person comes from a chaotic or disrupted home, being angry may have been the example set. Sometimes children learn the only way to get what they want is to start a fight or express angry. Parents may have given in to quiet them. Other adults who are susceptible to anger, keep it inside and take advantage of people. Such angry adults simply act as they always have. Recognizing this kind of personality may give you reason to make choices that put distance between you. You can't change others, but you control your reactions.


Keep your vision in the light

Its useful to recognize we're missing parts of the dream, the story we're in the process of living and putting together.  We are complicated beings.  Throughout events that unfold, its reassuring to know we're never alone.  Angels are an endless source of inspiration that guide us to embrace more meaningful opportunities.

Angel guides will tell you we each have free will, no matter which plane we're on.  To them, the state we call death leads the soul to another plane of existence.  As you become attuned to your emotions and feelings, you notice you walk through different doors, relationships, scenarios and situations on Earth. Thus, the prospect of eventually existing and passing through different stages of learning in other dimensions may begin to make more sense.  You can always sprout wings and fly.

Yet, wherever you exist now, recognize you still have work to do.  We each have roles to perform.  Nurturing faith and trust in ourselves will assist us to do our best.  All fear is merely a line of illusion.  You can step over it much easier than you think.  You may know people who make their lives more difficult than need be, all because they haven't yet understood how they view themselves and the world is illusory.  Keep your vision on the light. Life can be like a kaleidoscope of change.


Unblock energy to facilitate positive thinking

Ever wonder how to you could grow to control you thoughts more effectively? If your mind often thinks about food and criticism of your weight, you may find it hard to focus your mind on anything else.  If your mind often reprimands you for what you're not doing or what you haven't done, you may sense its a challenge to turn things around.  If you tell yourself you're in  a rut, you may ask how to get out.  What it would take?  Its time to explore strategies to develop more positive thinking.

The key is to learn to grasp the energy at your core and realize how  and when you use it.  We all have conscious and unconscious intentions.  Some people are very aware of how they think and how this translates into their actions.  Other people do not consciously connect their behavior to thoughts and don't realize the links. How are you using your energy to further your most sacred or heart-felt intentions?

While you're in the state you are right now, reflect on what kinds of choices you have made in an area of special importance to you.  Which choices did you assume you did or didn't have?  Reflect on your conditioning.  Who told you to believe certain options were open or closed to you?  As you open your mind, do you see many choices now that you weren't aware of before? What could you do differently?

The key to unblocking energy is to realize how you think and why. If you believe your too fat, too skinny, to tall, too short or, have some other issue with self-image, this results from people you have known, experiences you have had, and how you have reacted and adopted the values and attitudes of others. The nature of positive energy flow inside you is directly related to how much you love and accept yourself.


3 Steps to magnify the intensity of your calling

What is it that draws clients and students to people who offer “readings?” Some see this as a way to satiate curiosity or, as the opportunity to obtain answers to serious or nagging questions. Law enforcement sometimes consult crime psychics as an unconventional way to sollicit assistance to solve baffling crimes. Maybe you simply seek guidance to grasp the nature of your own profound spiritual awakening?

You may wonder what it would be like to have access to past life information that could help others. Spirits can teach you to overcome fear and expand your horizons beyond ego-based motives. With whom will you connect and why? The methods spirit use to communicate with this dimension vary and change as you progress into realms of higher learning. Three steps to magnify the intensity of your calling are:

1) Develop discipline. The art of shifting awareness requires discipline and a specific sense of control. As humans, we have access to different states of consciousness, and can determine which states we’re in and when. If you seem to lose control of your focus or emotions, that is also a choice. You have the power to work through techniques and learn how to move in and out of different states at will.

2) Detect the vibrations.  Energy underlies every intention. To evolve to focusing on states of awareness is to understand that everything is energy, its alive and changing constantly. To get quiet and learn to hear voices is like a way to recognize and sense the rhythm and movement of energies. When was the last time you were distracted by external noise and ignored the signs as well as your gut?

3) Expect to uncover hidden talents. Your intuition is a connection to your spirit. Your own subconscious is how your ‘true’ self speaks. When you desire to explore this very intuitive guide within, you can always tap into it, provided you have the courage to listen. Your curiosity and a conscious decision to develop talents you hadn’t recognized before can actually be stepping stones to appealing discoveries.


Savor more than puppy love

Analysis of the week on dream submitted by Anonymous of Melbourne, Australia.

Dream: I found a mopsy-looking puppy in the park and felt drawn to him. He took to me and loved to lick my face. We went to a gas station. I bought a long cardboard tube. I opened one end and dumped out a small bottle and also a carton of white milk. The puppy pranced along with the unopened plastic milk bottle in its teeth. We arrived at the home of parents of friends. These people sat back in lazy-boy lounge chairs and sighed. They sat beside a wall of windows on an angle leaning in. The house was moving. They grumbled about my clean, white dog. Their bulldogs wore spiked collars and stampeded along the light carpet with muddy feet like a herd of elephants. I poured milk in a glass while my companions drank alcohol.

Predominant Emotions: loneliness, detachment, rejuvenation, empowerment

Interpretation: You may have been feeling lonely. If a puppy projects your mood, feeling lost won’t last. Whatever your struggles with work, relationships, or other issues, you don’t have to allow yourself to feel alienated by society. Amidst your fear and uncertainty, you can reconnect with the pure Source or sense reasons to feel loved and appreciated. Remind yourself ‘like attracts like.’ You must love yourself in order to attract love and experience gratitude. Conscience is the teacher. Love is always a lesson. It can be superficial and short-lived or, grow, intensify and deepen.

As you refuel with love, you feel reassured and renewed. Its no coincidence dogs symbolize ‘a best friend.’ Puppies are playful and being carefree comes from stepping outside of your conditioning. Meeting people in a timely way will lead to blossoming friendship or special friendships you have will grow stronger. Apparent synchronicity may also be Higher Forces’ way of acting anonymously. Your healing process will continue as you nurture enriching relationships your own way.

Of course, your entourage may be uncomfortable with your new choices or ongoing transition. Your own ego also shows aversion to your assertive decisions of what you think is best. You grow to transcend your previous limitations. Milk draws attention to maternal instincts, kindness, generosity and compassion. Due to the law of attraction, as you give freely, similar gestures will come back in unexpected ways.

A house reflects your soul and self-view. Room details reveal parts of your psyche. Since the house is shifting, it suggests you’re shaking your foundations and evolving your values and beliefs. Windows represent perspective and your outlook. It’s up to you to raise your awareness and trust in your intuition. You may be reflecting on a decision and seeking guidance. Contemplation is desirable, but only for so long.