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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "As you shift into loving and accepting yourself fully, and no longer fear being vulnerable, you reclaim personal power." Liara Covert





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« 13 Things you can do to shift in Lucid Dreams | Main | Manage emotions differently »

5 Tips to Induce Lucid Dreams

Many people ask about Lucid dreaming techniques.  As 5 is a luck ynumner, here are 5 tips tp induce lucidity:

1) Perception

Act as if everything you are expeirencing is a dream.  As you listen and respond to the external world, allow yourself to relax, settle down deep into your body.  Open up, look, listen and hear as if whatever you perceive through your senses and mind, tell yourself its a dream.  Exercise this many times thoughout the day.  Everytime you contract or resist, react, remind yourself this is a dream.  

2) Reaction

Tell yourself that every moment you are creating energetic files like a computer.  You are asked to title the files: urgent, serious, secret, personal, taboos, Many of these are causes of your suffering and pain because its how you see them. Continually remind yourself its a dream.  If you can save a file as a serious dream where you feel threatened, challenged, scared, these files are dream files.  You are bridging information consciously into the night.  Those situations that show up in dreams echo we are not free from it.  Emotion-related or negative thought-related.  if we are not aware in those moment, you are less likely to be awake in dreams that evoke the same emotions.

3) Processing

Take 5 minutes before going to sleep.  Rewind the day's events until you see something is not processed, integrated accepted in peace.  Contemplate on them. Tune into stillness in the body, feel the silence in your speech, feel spaciousness in the heart-mind.  Breathe deeply.  If you still react something strongly, see it as a dream. See what you learned from it.  From a deeper place, process it and hcreate a positive relationship with it. Every moment, we aim to clear ourselves of illusions are we look at things from a deeper place, from a calm place.  Best thing would be to delete the file. Alternatively, rename it.

4) Reflection

Journal or share your dream.  You may experience 'sleep of ignorance'. This implies you recall nothing until you awaken.   Building trust is part of developing confidence and more consistent remembering.

5) Integration

Once you begin lucid dreaming, you can exercise your imagination in new directions.  This takes practice to be able to transform situations, make smoother transitions transitions.  How do you make life decisions? Do you feel forced to make decision because of fear? Because of being hopeful? or hopeless? Why?  The best decisions are made when we are fully aware of the situation.  In the daytime, this is called awareness.  During the night, this is lucid dreaming. If we are aware of things, we can change them. This is about reclaiming power.  The same thing can happen to 10 different people and they can respond differently. Our level of consciousness during daytime helps us have more lucid dreams in the night and vice versa.  

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