25 Ways to reframe fear & failure

Many people allow particular experiences to get them down. Regardless of your circumstances, you can always choose to see advantages. Consider 25 ways to reframe fear and failure;
1) You realize you are still alive.
2) The physical world has not ended.
3) You sense you still have a lot left to give.
4) You discover failure can be reframed as success.
5) Not getting what you want reveals what you need.
6) Nothing in life matters as much as you think at the time.
7) Your attention shifts to realize what is truly important.
8) The Will Power of the Universe, is always at your disposal.
9) You always access creative laws and will of the Universe.
10) You realize you could have done something else.
11) You discover underlying lessons are the purpose.
11) You better know what to avoid next time.
12) You can now write a book and tell the world.
13) You have insight into compatibility and commitment.
14) You know now about strengths & weaknesses.
15) You suddenly valuethe lighter side of life and laugh more.
16) Something in detours enables you to savor more moments.
17) Your focus has shifted from future or part to present.
18) Time no longer controls your life and priorities.
19) You stop seeking outside for inner peace & turn inward.
20) This is a wake up call to strengthen health & well-being.
21) Your attention is brought to unfounded beliefs and illusion.
22) You detect irritation and negative energy are teachers.
23) You grow aware of imagined opposites and other delusion.
24) You are reminded of the power of unconditional love.
25) The power of forgiveness and understanding heals all.
Reader Comments (12)
So much can be seen as an opportunity, a lesson well learned, a gift... Changing negatives into positives in how we think/react and respond at our core level.
Those 25 points illustrate that healing.
Your new green cover page is very pretty !
TO me, this is what you have been trying to help me with, in my journey.
We can always take a step away, and try again, hopefully in a better direction based on knowledge from the previous failure.
But if you learn from the mistake, is it really a failure? Or just another realization that we are not perfect, and must grow to get better.
Thank you for the constant reminders that we are evolving creatures with a lot of potential to explore. Our creation has not even scratched the surface. We have so much to do, to see, to know, to feel, to be. We are constantly in flux.
The most important one for me - you are still alive! And really that is such a blessed gift in itself.
Free will is by far the greatest gift ever given.
As I contemplated on the 25 considerations you share, I thought about something I heard just the other day. Negative as it might be, it certainly made me think. What happens when we use up all of our choices? Well as long as condition 1 remains, we have at least one choice, dont we. Well, I believe we make best of the choices we have left. It's far easier to chose among less than to choose among many..so it should make it easier. :)
As always, Peace, Light and Love to you and yours. . .