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How can you be in more than one place at once?

Many people dream of being in more than one place at once yet, hold the belief that this is not presently possible. What if you shifted your belief system to assume it is not only possible, but you are doing this beneath conscious radar?

Quantum mechanics does not conform well to human senses. The way atoms, molecules, particles and systems function, is subject to uncertainty. People do things Science is currently unable to explain and repeat in a lab. You may still ask how this enables you be in more than one place at once. How could it be? Do some research to clarify a few things for yourself;

1) Who are the types of people who do this? (they exist)
2) How would you describe their motivation?
3) What do you note about sceptics? (name/job/ belief- labels)
3) Where do your life, philosophy and mindset fit in? (i.e. why do you desire to do this and how are you willing to evolve?)

Consensus in the "real world" is grounded in the idea physcial entities behold three-dimensional space. This said, the core experience of three-dimensional space is limited to the awareness of three perpendicular axes: North-South, East-West and Up-Down. This omits the time dimension and ignores any possibilities such as those explored in dream dimensions, astral planes and out-of-body experiences (OBEs).

Rather than take steps to convince yourself how you can be in more than one place at the same time, it is desireable to work the other way.  That is, explore why you believe you cannot and systematically refute your own reasons. For example;

A) Disbelief barrier -- "I can't so I won't" idea must go.
B) Threshold of fear -- visual or new strategy required.
C) Misconception -- stop dwelling on the non-essential.
D) Dual consciousness-- realize you fragment awareness.
E) Uncomfortable with physical body-- learn to reverse this.
F) Reflex problem -- identify & step outside comfort zone.
G) Weak intent-- if you truly want it, you figure it out.

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Reader Comments (6)

May favorite stories concerning bi-location are found in the hagiography of Martin de Porres who seemed to have a habit of popping up all over the world...
January 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRichard Reeve
Bi-location is real and our ability to bi-locate is a limitation that we impose not that which science or the Universe imposes.
January 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMark
Richard, religious monks such as de Porres and other saints have been linked to levitation, bilocaton and communicating in ways that differ from the status quo. You also hear about instances of multi-location experienced by Buddhist monks and other meditation masters. Yet, this acquired skill is not reported by multi-taskers in modern times who desperately wish to do more in less time. The underlying motivation of stressed human beings is not the same as those persons who bilocate.

Some people believe bilocation is an ancient phenomenon. It is claimed to have been practiced at will by mystics, ecstatics, holy persons, and magicians. Several Christian saints and monks were known to bilocate like St. Anthony of Padua, St. Ambrose of Milan, St. Severus of Ravenna, and Padre Pio of Italy. In 1774, St. Alphonsus Maria de’Ligouri was seen at the bedside of the dying Pope Clement XIV, when in fact the saint was confined to his cell in a location that was a four-day journey away.

Paranormal research pioneers like Frederic W. H. Myers, founded the Society for Psychical Research in England. He collaborated to collect and examine reports of bilocation. In modern day, fewer people openly believe in this kind of practice but that does not mean it has discontinued.

January 10, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Mark, your perspective reminds people of the power within themselves to expand their abilities from the moment that they start believing they can. We impose belief systems on ourselves based on what we adopt, reject or create.

People interested bilocation are undecided whether it is a physical phenomenon or a spiritual one. The more you choose to interact with your surroundings, experience sensations and manoeuvre physical objects, the easer it becomes to discern truth for yourself. Whether it is voluntary, involuntary or related to levels of awareness is something that every person has abilities to figure out.
January 10, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara,

If our past lives are actually concurrent lives, then is it true that we can visit these lives by tapping into our Higher Self? And if all of these lives align themselves with the Higher Self, will they in essence shift the perceived time line with divine intentions?

Vielen Dank
March 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNatural Moments
Natural Moments, conscious awareness offers all answers. Irritation has no purpose. Time does not exist. Bring the realm of the unmanifested in your life.
March 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert

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