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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "From the moment you shift from, why is this happening to me, to why am I creating this or why am I responding this way, you begin to heal wounds and take back personal power." Liara Covert





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How can you be certain?

What is it that convinces you that you're anywhere other than where you're meant to be? If you do conclude you are where you need to be right now, at this moment, then would you not concede this is a view of success? Would you not sense your own milestone?

Human beings are conditioned to think that success is represented by something other than what they already have or where they are. Why do you perpetuate your own sense of dissatisfaction? It may be unconscious and surprising, but you do it, and quite often.

You may ask, how can you be certain you cause your own dissatisfaction? How can you be certain you create your view of success? Every thought begins in your mind like a seed you would plant in the ground.  You water and nourish it with feelings to make it grow.

If you decide to examine your beliefs, then you realize you can convince yourself of anything. You can decide all is well or,  buy into any illusion you create and perpetuate.  You always have hidden reasons for choosing to be certain or not. Do you sense it now?

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Reader Comments (5)

:) So true Liara. We choose to be who we are, where we are and how we are.
June 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAvani-Mehta
Avani-Mehta, as you realize you are where you need to be, you grow to accept everything about yourself and everybody else. The light inside you grows even brighter.
June 19, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Liara - this post beautifully alludes to the power of the moment of now. So many of us, so often get caught up in future moments and believing that our success and/or satisfaction lies there. It is as you say what we have been conditioned to believe.

And yes many people today go around claiming "but this is REALITY"...when in fact it only is what it is because you made it so and can just as easily unmake it.

It is only as we explore and learn about the power of our mind and our thoughts that we can begin to appreciate the illusion around us and focus on what is really important in this life experience.
June 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEvita
Evita, the mind is indeed a powerful tool. It holds the key to unlock infinite doorways and dimensions that redefine a sense of certainty every step of the way. To learn to detect and value illusion enables us to rediscover realities lie within, beside and beyond them.
June 20, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Liara ... there is a certainty that yearning for an elusive something and its a sure fire barrier against true enjoyment in life (aka success).
June 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDonna L. Faber

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