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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "As you shift into loving and accepting yourself fully, and no longer fear being vulnerable, you reclaim personal power." Liara Covert





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Keep it simple

When it comes to setting goals, you may evolve to where it just makes sense to keep it simple.  What do I mean? Well, if you basically decide you would like to "do good things," you don't need to draft a list to focus on at the exclusion of other activities.  

Instead, as events unfold, as you go about your life, you can make choices that evoke positive feelings such as joy, happiness and love.  Although choices that make you feel good may be unconscious and the spurts of energy or insinctive smiles fleeting, to sense you do 'the right thing' is significant and meaningful in the bigger picture. 

What if its not the size or impact of the gesture that matters so much as the underlying intention of kindness?  What if you're in greater control of the world around you than you originally thought?  What if grief and worry were your greatest sources of stress and you could eliminate them with the power of your thoughts and generosity? What if all you need to do is relax, clear your mind and allow heart-warming actions to come naurally?

Believe that you can truly change yourself and as the result, the world.  Think of the last 5 things you did to help people feel good (or plan the next five).  I list mine below:

1) While buying groceries, I bought a raffle ticket to support a local, children's hospital.

2) I volunteer with a group to encourage other people to build self-confidence.

3) I phoned my great aunt and other special people (on the other side of the world). 

4) I wrote a congratulatory letter to a woman who won a speaking competition because her personal story touched me. 

5) I gifted jars of homemade jam (made from backyard fruit) to neighbours and friends.

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