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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Flying rollerblader on a mission

Analysis of the week on dream submitted by Anonymous in South Melbourne.

Dream- I wore black, men’s roller-blades. The leather boots had great ankle support. As I skated though a vast grocery store, I saw a person standing beside a tall stack of cereal boxes in a colorful display. I moved instinctively, heading for this obstacle in my path. I gracefully skated and found myself jumping, then soaring over it with wings on my boots. The person beside the boxes smiled at me and then continued reading instructions. I landed effortlessly in another aisle and continued to skate smoothly forward.   Much to my pleasant surprise, I suddenly carried a Toblerone dark chocolate bar in aluminum foil.

Predominant Emotions-  determination, eagerness, faith, delight, and gratitude.

Interpretation- You value spontaneity and listen to a voice within which represents your ‘truth detector.’ To favor different experiences means you consciously decide not to limit yourself. You aren’t distracted by superficial choices, but you may be overly-preoccupied with speed.  Make sacrifices to distance yourself from ego-driven behavior.

Thinking 'out-of-the-box' will enable you to get-in-touch with the real you.  Skating represents your innate agility and apparent balance. You draw from boundless energy, a sense of direction and the will to progress.  Recognize what you gain and leave behind.

Leather is tough and rugged material that shows you have “thick emotional skin.” Careful you don't become too hardened or insensitive to people around you who make different choices.  As you move past certain mind blocks, you can learn to overcome other fears. 

Aisles symbolize divisions or walls you create to hold yourself back, even temporarily. When you choose what makes you feel good, you move ahead with confidence. Your positive attitude fills your heart with love, and in turn, propels you to far-away places.

To see aluminum signifies your ability to retain what is important. It indicates you value what you have, regardless how much or how little. Quality matters more than quantity.  Chocolate is a sweet indulgence to be savored like unexpected rewards.  You savor intensity and moderation and receive recognition for talents that flow quite naturally.

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