5 Ways to live openly with apparent duality

To live without judgement is to allow apparent duality while sensing the value in everything. Rearrange your thoughts so that the sharp edges of life go right through you. Wisdom is knowing you are nothing. Those who know keep quiet, live impartially, do not discriminate. We can evolve to learn more about the unsentimental sort we are:
1) Live a unified life. Our standards of perception are grounded in the physical world. Comtemplate that criticism isn't always necesary or helpful. Choose to be at peace with what you observe. Move freely without attachment to outcomes. Forget ideas of where you think you should be. Its all illusion. Trying itself only exists because of beliefs of not trying exist. Decide to approach every situation with an unbiased attitude.
2) Choose not to explain yourself. Sense the texture of misunderstanding that you create. Don't get caught up in what you've conditioned to think is right or wrong. Be in paradoxical unity. Positive and negative are opposites that need each other to exist. Practice being a living paradox. Ignore how others might like to direct your life energy. Your body is physical, apparently limited, and at the same time, you are invisible and limitless. You can surrender to the energy within you. Accept the duality of the material world while still feeling connecting to the completeness of yourself. Release resistence to your natural talents. Love is knowing you are everything. You teach without words.
3) Practice not doing. When action is pure and selfless, you are changing your thinking. Your world changes as the result. Pursuit of status, power, objects, blinds ourself to stems on our ego's fixation of getting more. refrain from focusing on this kind of discontented less. Practice gratitude. Ask how you can serve. This isn't suggesting to be lazy or inactive. Choose to be directed by a higher intention than your ego-filled desire.
4) Accept happiness is. Examine your state of happiness in this moment. Desires can create competitiveness. Why expect external events to create your joy? The necessary factors will all come together. Everything you need now is here, accessible, along with your all-incompassing source of well-being. No one is better than anyone else. Those who refuse to change their lives elevate themselves above people they feel are less worthy. Stay centred and in harmony. Eliminate as many judgements as you can. See aspects of yourself in all others. Work thourgh your issues. Your criticism will dissolve.
5) Trust the perfection of the infinite. Connect yourself to the limitless source of energy that flows through you. Allow the universe to flow through you. Spend each moment deliberately. Imagine yourself guided by the infinite aspects of yourself. Don't let your desires control you. Watch for opportunities. Be grateful for the ways that are revealed for you at that moment. When action is pure and selfless, everything settles the way it should. Watch how all that you give returns to you. Stop the chase. Be an astute observer. The more you pursue ego desires, the more they will elude you.
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