The biggest risk ever follow-up #2

So much interest is generated by my "biggest risk ever" series that I am adding a new chapter. Its a continuing saga. Sometimes its hard to believe that within 3 years, this adventure has already evolved though over 300,000 miles and 19 countries. This certainly sets the stage for quite a future, but not perhaps for reasons you will assume.
I have known rustic ships, ferries, paddle steamers, trains, planes, cars, trucks and memorable forms of animal transportation. Rick shaws, tuk tuks, elephants, kyaks and vehicles with no-names. Hang-gliding is even on the horizon. What's the point of it all?
For me, its not a question of accumulating miles or simply withstanding altitude changes. Its about learning that as much as we change, we may sense we know more, but ultimately, we remain the same. We actually begin to discover what we've always known, but have somehow managed to miss. Tapping into our hearts enables us to connect with others in new ways.
A sense of knowledge begins inside each of us. It can grow from or touch on others. It can also be shared. Realizing who we are dissolves any sense of risks. Interacting with people enables us to come to this realisation at soul-level. Unless your awareness changes, unless knowing stems from growth inside yourself, you are unlikely to alter your perceived quality of life.
Real knowing comes in growing to trust yourself. Faith is reinforced in what you learn about yourself. What if you conclude you can't hoard knowledge? Would it matter? Who are you helping along your journey? Having things doesn't enable you to grow, but certain kinds of behavior, like opening your heart, teach you benefits in overcoming fear.
I've learned that if you worry about losing something, you really don't have a grasp on what it is. A sense of inner poverty or emptiness doesn't change until your're ready. Each door you come across brings you face-to-face with new doors. Which ones will you open? The truth that seems the most comfortable option isn't something you can really express. Truth is never known in its entirety. You may feel it, sense a kind of growing inner completeness and have visions.
A forthcoming mysterious trip in April will likely surprise you as much as it does me. Could an unspecified life change really be involved? In the meantime, we'll keep each other in suspense! The best is 'in the now' and it is also yet to come...
Reader Comments (6)
I think it is true, that the contact with your inner realm strenghtens you. Maybe there are limits to this strength, even though we may feel invincible.
I am always amazed at how we change when we don't realize we change. Some subtle changes turn into big changes that alter our perception while gently moving us into accepting more change and opening ourselves for life's big adventure.