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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Trust and the rest will follow

How many people have you come across who question their conditions, their motives, their dreams? You can view suffering as something you bring on yourself as a kind of karma.  You can also trust as you make choices that feel right, that the rest will follow.

I have known people to give up the perceived security of a desk job to start a business close to the heart.  Repeatedly, these people had no idea where the clients would come from, but they had faith. Their hearts and souls were stirred.  They attuned to the source of their own powerful energy vibration.  They are tested to the utmost.

One woman I know was a nurse administrator with considerable experience.  She took a settlement package and opened a shop where she offered specialized consultations. She initially advertised in a paper with large readership.  Yet, no clients came as the result.  Yet, one passer-by who was greatly helped trigger a domino effect of this woman's first fifty clients.  She has never looked back.  Her business has flourished ever since.

Another friend is giving up a teaching position with a predictable salary to focus on promoting and marketing his new inventions.  He has experienced numerous setbacks, but chooses to hold his head high.  He is increasingly feeling he is attuning to a divine purpose and he is not at all the religious sort.  Yet, he realizes his honorable intention.

In some sense, service, or how you render service to others, is what matters.  Some people believe that the ways you give unselfishly of yourself are what reflect the imperishable jewel of your character.  When you trust in your heart that you are where you need to be, then you open your mind.  Amazing things unfold to expand what you see.

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Reader Comments (10)

How true. When we trust our "gut, intuition, or that certain feeling," amazing possibilities are able to manifest in our lives. Great Post!
November 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSandra
Sandra, it often helps people to realize they are not alone in the present conditions and quandry. Regardless of whether you believe in spirit guides and divine assistance, you can be open to the idea that some human being somewhere is in the process of learning the same lessons that you are. Intuition is a very powerful thing. You have your own unlimited source of this positive energy.
November 5, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara,
This is such a hard thing for most people to give up safety for chance. I know a brilliant graphic artist who is happy working for a major corporation. She won't ever venture into having her own graphic arts business because she won't have the safety net. However, she does manage to do her own business on the company's time. I guess it is the best of both worlds.
November 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
Hi Liara!

Well I have got to say I feel like I am part of your post, especially when you mentioned the teacher friend who is giving up the teaching position to pursue other interests.

Well, I don't think I shared this with you yet, but I am making this my last year of teaching. So in about 7 months I am going to walk away from my excellent salary and comfortable and enjoyable job as a teacher also and pursue my greater passions full time which have no security financially whatsoever.

But I think that is what living life to the fullest is all about - at least for me. I do have faith and I do trust my intuition that all will work out and the Universe will deliver according to my needs and passions.

Now that is the easy part, the hard part is when you come in contact with people who do have my belief and try to instill and implant doubts. Those are almost I would say dangerous situations because as strong in my thinking as I think I am, I know they cause little tiny creases of doubt that steer me away from my focus. But I guess that is all about strengthening my own trust and deep down I do trust that all will work out beautifully.
November 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEvita
It's so amazing that I seem to fall upon the most appropriate post for my life situation at the time. I have been struggling with my business and feeling a bit glum about it as being an artist is really the only life and profession that I know.I have recently launched a new website and if it is okay with you, I would like to invite everyone to view it at .

I came here tonight because I was feeling depressed about my struggling business and of course the right words were there for me.I find it amazing that I find my comfort in the words of someone as far away as Australia. The internet has certainly made the world a smaller place.
November 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDarla
Alexys, everyone makes personal choices that relate to their awareness and mindset. What one person chooses is not for anyone else to experience or judge.
November 5, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Evita, each person has the potential to evolve and do what is right. The teacher friend I referred to in this post is an industrial chemist who has devised an invention which he believes will have more fulfilling applications than what he has been doing in a tech school. In his case, he as evolved to outgrow his circumstances. He is in the process of redefining his sense of security. It used to be a predictable paycheck with a pension attached. However, he has decided his soon-to-be former department is no longer suited to the person he recognizes within himself. Nonetheless, he is grateful for everything that has done to build his confidence to believe in himself as he does. The rest will come.
November 5, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Darla, one option you have is to reach for the thoughts about your life than enable you to feel worse, then focus on what enables you to feel better. When you realize more clearly how you do not wish to feel, you shift gears to why you have reason to feel good. You evolve to grasp how truly talented you are, how your creative initiatives serve you and where it is all leading. Remind yourself of gifts you possss and the good you do for others.

As for the internet, I agree that it does assist you to find what you are seeking. After you explore the web to find what you believe you need at a given moment through someone else, you learn to come full circle and find it developing in yourself.
November 5, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Knowing that the universe has raised human beings that have such good will as to share their wise words, and thoughts with others -in a way that promotes healing - makes me feel very, very good!

Thank-you Liara.
November 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDarla
Darla, remins yourself to tap into the wealth of personal memories stored in your mental states. You have experience with loving others and being loved in return, even if you are consciously unaware of the meaning of all gestures. Love stems from the spirit and mind or it would not endure to have the positive impact it does on so many lives. Reality starts within. You have insight into subjective love and you also have more objective insight into what love is not. You are feeling your way through your life. It is truly mind-blowing!
November 6, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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