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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Whenever you step out of the noise of thinking, that is meditation, and a differetn state of consciousness arises." - Eckhart Tolle





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Stop fooling yourself

People around you are forever telling you what they believe you can or cannot do.  And yet,  will you always choose to believe other people or, will you evolve to become more attuned to yourself? What if you were evolving to perceive paranormal as your 'normal?'

Take for example that you periodically get premonitions, but do not make much of them.  You may have travel plans on a particular vessel and cancel your plans last minute on an impulse.  When you learn the vessel later hit a hurricane and sunk, then you may think differently about the motivation behind your apparent impluse.  Is there more to that?

Think back to your school days.  Recall how you always sensed which student would raise their hand before they did?  Recall how you knew whether or not you did well on a test, whether you would be chosen to be on the sports team, whether you would feel comfortable or not with certain peers?  This shows you read energy.  You still do.  You know comfort and discomfort, and yet, part of you doubts.  You have to learn to trust.

Some dreams you recall may be explained by tools you have at your disposal in the physical world.  Other dreams may seem whimsical or purely imaginary.  These dreams can also be fragments of your experiences in other let's say, 'spiritual' dimensions.  In the spirit world, you are free of inhibitions that restrict your thinking on the Earth plane.

Part of you presumes you exist in a physical reality and everything else is superfluous.  Another part of you knows that reality is the invisible energy that surrounds you.  This knowing side of you realizes the law of attraction appoints your spirit guides. 

As you evolve to stop fooling yourself, you begin to realize that any spiritual activity you are willing to discern depends on you.  You create the mindset and conditions through which events can unfold and be recognized.  As you attune to your surroundings, you intuit the behaviour of matter based on inner connectedness.  What does this entail?

Intuition is how you become aware of spirit and spirit raises awareness of itself.  This goes beyond conditioned reasoning.  You discern, know and decide without question.  You do this more often than you realize.  You are attuning to what matters,  using extra-sensory perception.  This is an opportunity to deepen unwavering faith and expand awareness of your true faculties. You do it already.  Stop fooling yourself otherwise. 

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Reader Comments (8)

I have been meaning to visit your blog for the last couple of days--since you visited mine. Not surprisingly, I found this post to be exactly what I needed to read today. Thank you for that.

October 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMelinda
Melinda, my initial thought in reading your name was perhaps it was the infamous Melinda Gordon visiting! Any relation? Ever visited Granville somewhere out East?

Regardless, you are born with connections to spirit. This said, it is your own responsibility to recognize and develop it. This can be done by learning to have more faith in your intuition. Mental discipline evolves through deliberate intent. Some human beings will attend development circles or focus on other collective strategies. This can help, but it is actually your motives and intention that determine how you live your life. You have opportunities to build faith, to reach for and maintain high standards of behavior. As you choose to heal yourself, you realize you are a powerful giver and receiver of energy. A desire to serve can take many forms. You can eliminate self-doubt.
October 15, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara,

This is EXACTLY what I am working on evolving in my life. I get those "nudges" which is actually how my Heroes of Healing Project was born. I am working to hear them more and I think the key for me depends on me taking the time for myself to quiet my mind, get rid of the to-do's and just "be". I pay gratitude and pray a few times a day -- a few minutes each time... but it is in those long minutes of total relaxation and "letting go" that my real intuitive moments have the time to shine.

Thank you for another beautiful post!
October 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJenny Mannion
Jenny, each human being is drawn to mentors or inspirations in ways that help him rediscover the admirable skills and qualities of others inside himself. Your Heros of Healing project is an uplifting example to help people realize everyone inspires everyone else on some level. You simply recognize and attune to certain kinds of energy. These are the kinds of exmaples thast stand out for you and reinforce your own self-healing initiatives.
October 16, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
thank you for this post Liara ~ it is very affirming for me.

October 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommentersoulMerlin
At the same time, going too far in that direction could lead to fooling oneself in the sense of being too credulous. Every time one has a feeling that something is the case, it doesn't turn out to be true. There has to be a way of distinguishing real insight from, for example, wishful thinking.
October 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Maurice Martin
henry, any spark of doubt you nurture in your mind is an effort to fool yourself. The more you think of perfect health, or visions you create for your life, the closer you move to experience that. Visualisation is a powerful tool. It generates physical results.
October 19, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Paul Maurice, the more information you have, the less choices you realize you have. As you experience heights and depths of feeling, you gain insight into the thinking of ego and how this differs from heresay and truth. Character evolves as you permit divine spirit to manifest in your thoughts and actions. As you attune to your feelings and energy vibration, you learn how it feels to harbour thoughts and to make choices that are not aligned with your authentic self. Feelings are your gauge. How you interpret feelings is what distorts the truth. Your feelings never lie. Perception creates wishful thinking.
October 19, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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