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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Relive precious moments

Everything that happens to us and everything we believe in (or not) affects everyone else. Each of us is meant to be emotionally touched by thoughts and feelings. Its for our own good that we relive precious moments and get nostalgic. These events and feelings become a closer part of us. Its this relative closeness to positive feelings that connect us to guardian angels, those beings that are forever beside us, and can enable us to come into our own sense of completeness.

Before a recent public talk, I took a brief survey of the audience. In response to my question about believing in angels, the vast majority of hands were raised. These people came from all walks of life, and varied in age from their 30s to their 70s.  All of them recognized a desire to believe in this mysterious possibility. 

Throughout my presentation, they were formulating complete and expanded answers for themselves in their own minds.  Did they believe my stories? Were they becoming even more curious about the possible significance of events in their own lives? Had strangers assisted these people in ways that may have actually been Divine intervention?

My immediate reaction was: 'definitely.' In speaking with them later, I got to re-experience again what had happened to me, to see it differently, to realize we all desired these shared experiences and we had chosen to be at that venue for a particular reason. We were using each other as soundboards and silent listeners to better understand ourselves.

I left with the impression all the answers to any of my questions were accessible inside. It was like realizing I had more knowledge at my fingertips than I thought. Reliving precious moments reminds us we're all here to learn "why."  Reality is only reassuring to people who do not fear or do not wish to ignore it.  Are you ready?

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