Celebrate your true greatness

You may unintentionally hide your true greatness. If you remain in environments, relationships and behavioural patterns that temper your enthusiasm, you do more than diminish your spirit. You make it seem life is harder than it is.
If you find yourself over-thinking, feeling worried and anxious, and generally out of sorts, you may be in relationships you outgrow or, be doing things out of habit that imprision your soul. What can you do to be free? Discover 5 things you can you do now;
1) Recognize things only seem to get worse before they get better.
Some relationships break up or fade out of life before new ones grab your attention. It could be romance, business arrangments, friendships or other connections that no longer resonate or feel right. Shifts are part of a natural cycle much like how day flows into night, sunrise leads to sunset. Attitude or how you feel about it all, can help you to accept what comes with grace and relief, allow being in the flow, and know all is well.
2) Know letting go of self-criticism is as easy as you decide.
Notice that nobody is as hard on you as you are on yourself. You are your own judge and jury. Anytime you tell a sob story of struggle or victimhood, you are allowing this to sap your energy and prevent you from being all you can be. Imagine how much easier life is as you fill up with compassion and understanding. Chalk everything about discomfort up to experience. Let go of sources of irritation. View it as a gift. Move on.
3) Trust your life offers endless joy, inspiration and opportunities.
Even now, endless opportunties are available to you. You simply decide how to see as well as what to overlook. Consider the Sun, Moon, stars, celestial bodies and other objects are always in the same sky. Why choose to notice some things more in day or night? Conditioning. In fact, you are selectively aware about your abilities and potential. As you grow aware of your beliefs and esteem, you are free to shift focus.
As you make choices that are true to your heart, you bring joy and comfort into the lives of others. You have no urge to cling to situations that evoke imbalance and anger. You welcome upheavals as signs of growth and do not permit the gripes and grudges of others to bother you. Feel what its like to bless and forgive as part of your journey.