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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Celebrate your true greatness

You may unintentionally hide your true greatness.  If you remain in environments, relationships and behavioural patterns that temper your enthusiasm, you do more than diminish your spirit.  You make it seem life is harder than it is.

If you find yourself over-thinking, feeling worried and anxious, and generally out of sorts, you may be in relationships you outgrow or, be doing things out of habit that imprision your soul. What can you do to be free? Discover 5 things you can you do now;

1) Recognize things only seem to get worse before they get better.

Some relationships break up or fade out of life before new ones grab your attention.  It could be romance, business arrangments, friendships or other connections that no longer resonate or feel right. Shifts are part of a natural cycle much like how day flows into night, sunrise leads to sunset. Attitude or how you feel about it all, can help you to accept what comes with grace and relief,  allow being in the flow, and know all is well.

2)  Know letting go of self-criticism is as easy as you decide.

Notice that nobody is as hard on you as you are on yourself.  You are your own judge and jury.   Anytime you tell a sob story of struggle or victimhood, you are allowing this to sap your energy and prevent you from being all you can be.  Imagine how much easier life is as you fill up with compassion and understanding. Chalk everything about discomfort up to experience. Let go of sources of irritation.  View it as a gift.  Move on.

3) Trust your life offers endless joy, inspiration and opportunities.

Even now, endless opportunties are available to you.  You simply decide how to see as well as what to overlook. Consider the Sun, Moon, stars,  celestial bodies and other objects are always in the same sky. Why choose to notice some things more in day or night? Conditioning. In fact, you are selectively aware about your abilities and potential. As you grow aware of your beliefs and esteem, you are free to shift focus.

4) Be true to yourself

As you make choices that are true to your heart, you bring joy and comfort into the lives of others.  You have no urge to cling to situations that evoke imbalance and anger. You welcome upheavals as signs of growth and do not permit the gripes and grudges of others to bother you. Feel what its like to bless and forgive as part of your journey.

"I celebrate myself, and sing myself." - Walt Whitman 

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Reader Comments (5)

1) When a new tooth comes in to chew new bits of energy in new ways, it has to erupt through the gums. From a denser perspective, this may feel uncomfortable or painful. However, if such a feeling is recognized as beneficial where a whole new way of perceiving life is on its way, then the pain of any given moment is transcended. The environment that the tooth emerges into then changes and displaces previous associations or relationships. The energy then comes together differently and is mixed in a unique way. (Imagine giving birth to a child or to any situation)

2) Any negative outlook on life or negative inlook at one's personalscape will certainly cause discomfort. Anything noticed, positive or negative may have repercussions on the whole of the individual or collective body. For instance, if one may not like their voice, then tension in one's ability to speak is created. If one also really likes their voice, since they are focusing on a specific area as if it were disconnected or more important than other areas of the whole, the throat chakra area may then get inflated and overused and forced to process energy in an unnatural way. However, if the whole body were envisioned to work together effortlessly and gracefully, then no areas of the body are disfavoured or favoured. What comes out of the mouth at any given moment is perfect in relationship to how the energetic body interacts within an environment. Nothing in the landscape or personalscape is used as a scapegoat for deflation or inflation. Currency then has become stabilized. One's body then can be expanded upon to include the body of the earth, the solar system, the galaxy, the universe, the multiverse, or in connection or relationship directly with source energy.

3) People are often conditioned to respond to other peoples wishes or concerns so as to expand upon problems. The more people that buy into problems, the more ingrained the problem becomes until people become the solution or leave the problematic arena to live a life of solutions where the new mix is always found to be the perfect recipe. Therefore, when one is no longer conditioned to respond to that which doesn't speak to the soul personally, everything that comes into focus is uncoerced and unrehearsed and is fits perfectly with one's own soul desires. Whatever, one see's then becomes one's soulmate since it becomes a reunion of how one truly visions the world.

4) In such a scenario, any grudges or gripes heard then can be considered a heavier version of laughter in a process of getting to know the Self. One's blessing then is a way of laughing with others as we journey together into the mystery of the unknown. The laughing or the blessing then helps for others to snap their tension so that they too can float effortlessly upon the wonders of the abysmal frontier that has the potential to shine ever so brightly.
January 31, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBernie
Bernie, always appreciate your reflections.

1) Direct experience presents itself as whole and complete. The mind would have you focus on what you appear to be losing, apparent lack, pain, suffering and fear. The soul focus is on balance, the coexistence of opposites and divine integration of all. As one door or event closes in life, a window is already open somewhere.

2) Self and body-image are conditioned to be viewed as less than perfect. So long as the wool is pulled over your eyes, self-worth and confidence appear lacking. In truth, the body is a sacred temple. It is aeverything and nothing. Based on free will, it can serve as a wormhole or stargate, a revolving doorway to infinity.

3) As external approval loses importance, and self-rejection fades away, what remains is a bright light. This resonates its own language that is clear to the soul.

4) Laughter heals whatever ails you. Thus laughter heals nothing (for nothing is ever wrong with you). Still, it tickles the funny bone and triggers endless joy.
January 31, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Dear Liara:

Thank you - I really appreciated this post, and the deeply presented comments, too. I especially loved the wisdom you share in your point 4 - Be true to yourself.

Concerning laughter, I was intrigued by Bernie's insight as "any grudges and gripes heard then can be considered a heavier version of laughter in a process of getting to know the Self."

And your response, Liara, that "laughter heals nothing (for nothing is ever wrong with you). Still, it tickles the funny bone and triggers endless joy."

As one becomes true to oneself, it becomes easier and easier to truly emit the frequency that is ours - the "bright light" you speak of. This resonance from the inner soul resounds as an outer note that does indeed, as Bernie says, become a reunion that both expands and encompasses inner and outer worlds.

Thanks to you both for sharing such profound perspectives today. Love from Mount Fuji in Yamanashi, Japan - Catrien.
February 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCatrien Ross
Between a wormhole and a stargate is the essence and light of the star its self.

Often people act like black holes where invited light is not processed,and therefore gets sucked into the underworld or subconscious mind till such light can be reviewed and freed by embodying it like a lighthouse where it can then be broad-casted or reflected back into the universe. Therefore, the opposite of a black hole may be analogous to a white spout that rains new information upon the land.
February 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBernie
Hi Liara .. interesting thought about the wormhole or blackhole ready within us which appears at times .. thank you - Hilary
February 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterHilary

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