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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in true nature (29)


Nothing to renounce

Notice any restlessness arising.  Something prevents you from seeing there is nothing you need.  Identify it and see its falseness.  Rather than ask, "what next?", simply recognize the presence of the witness.

Watch what happens as the focus in your life switches from what you are not doing to awareness on the presence or absence of things; situations, people.  Discover that on which you attach and create an identity.

In essence, there is nothing to renounce or to get emotional about, only the invitation to stop acquiring and attaching to what you are not.  This moment is an exercise in detaching from the unreal, in remembering, accepting and living true nature.  Stepping back is seeing lessons available right now.


Navigate the best you can

Bring yourself out of your head and into the heart. Trust the frequencies that arise in your experience. Go with the current. Life takes you to places that evoke every emotion you allow, including fear and discomfort. Discomfort is where you learn your greatest lessons. Go completely into whatever you feel. The best thing to do is to face everything you create for yourself for each experience has a deeper message. Nothing in life is easy but everything is simple,when you pay attention. Remind yourself that you are okay, regardless of what is unfolding. Experience is opening you up to parts of Self that you did not know existed.

Face the challenges you create for yourself. Each one is an energetic message just like every word emits an energetic frequency. This is the only way you emerge with the conscious wisdom that always exists within you.  The quality of your life expands and insight deepens in unforeseen ways. 

Notice you can view every event as a gift that brings deeper and more expansive levels of understanding. See yourself as generator, orchestrator and destroyer of all we experience. We are shaping ourselves and growing into true nature.


5 harsh truths that shift your focus

Humans are taught the world is full of harsh expectations. Many people will tell you that you can do better with your job or relationships, be different than you are, act differently than you do, live somewhere more appealing, be somehow more fulfilled. This is all based in how we are conditioned to appease others rather than tune in and live our true nature. Movies and books reinforce whatever we are ready to see.

Ponder these 5 truths that help you shift your focus. In doing so, you discover that it is by shifting your perception that you transform how you feel about whatever you see;

1. The world does not reflect neediness.

All you see is not telling you people are needy, even if your work currently depends on creating or satisfying perceived needs. All you register and attract reflects how needy you are conditioned to feel. A material world functions by teaching people they are less than perfect or less than whole. You only act to continually improve or change yourself, acquire products, services or experiences to change this, when you think something is wrong or missing inside. Although people benefit from mentors at various stages, the key is to gain confidence to be your own guide or guru and accept all you see reflects how harmonious or not you feel within yourself.

2. Nothing and nobody ever really rejects you.

Life you encounter is simply mirror reflecting you only accept or reject yourself.  This tends to be a shocker. Imagine you project your self worth into another character on a holodeck. This is precisely what you are doing, even if Star Trek is not your thing. How you respond to all you encounter reveals how you feel about yourself. Loving or seeing a message of love in everything means no more emotional buttons exist inside to be pressed. Everything invites you to love yourself more, to be more compassionate and forgiving.

3. You are more than your skills.

This is not what society has you believe. It has you adopt labels, identify with them so they drive you nutty. In fact, you are far more than your job, adopted labels and skills, more than anything you think, more than the body, mind and emotions. You are actually a soul taking a human form for many reasons that reveal themselves when you are ready.  It takes courage to recognize and review how you define yourself so you can expand into new experiences that are suited to who you are right now.

4. Language is the root of conflict.

Notice words have cultural associations that often nurture and magnify fear and insecurity. If you use ancient forms of communication based on harmonics, you are an exception to the rule and in contrast, know the feeling of unity and centering through symbolic language. For the vast majority however, language is taught and adopted to perpetuate separation and dissonance. Remind yourself that nobody intimidates or makes you believe anything without your consent. Raising awareness of the nature of language empowers you like nothing else. Tuning into the subtleties of sound, frequency and geometry changes the nature of the game (how consciously or unconsciously you play).

4. The universe does not respond to your wishes.

Humans are widely taught the law of attraction is about attracting the life we desire. Everything is indeed about vibration and what you vibrate comes to you. But wishing for anything emits the vibrational message to the universe that you do not have it. Lack invites lack. What is seldom mentioned is that every moment, a higher version of you is creating what enters your scope of awareness. You only ever give yourself what you feel you deserve. The feelings themselves are the magnet and consistency is everything.

5. The world never changes.

It is common to want to change personal conditions and the world, to make environments healthier, fellow creatures safer, and Earth more peaceful. In truth, you only ever expand or limit your perception of what is always here. In all liklihood, you do not see things as they are, you see things as a reflection of how you view yourself. Your mental filters determine how you register energy and how it flows though you. It is always possible to allow filters to dissolve, to retrain the mind, and be the changes you wish to see. Change only happens in your own mind. Whether you think you can or cannot, you vibrate to prove it.


Notice what is always happening

Many people are conditioned to strive for things they think will satisfy or fulfill them.  They seek the fastest, most economical way to the goal or the best way to appease family, friends, or least painful way to conform to society. It is common to think you can control things and to discover you do not.  Sound familliar?

What is truly fulfilling cannot be learned or taught.  It is always accessible and seems to come from nowhere when you are ready to recognize it.  You do not have to know from where or how it happens. Something remains in the hands of existence or beyond ego mind's control.  There is another way of seeing. 

Notice what is always happening.  Something is taking care of itself.  No need for cause or motivation. Belief in anything is a barrier to seeing.  Any search is mind-oriented.  Taste what is present all around you. It is not a means to an end.  It is grace.  The heartfelt path of true nature guides moment-to moment.


Be aware of what you say

Words have the capacity to create a dynamic that engages you, that invites you to explore something deeper within.  What you talk about, the words you choose, reveal thoughts and feelings toward your true nature, as well as about the apparent focus.  Be aware of silent messages in what is said and left unsaid.

1) Notice feelings arising when you do not say anything 

2) Notice feelings arising when you interject, agree or disagree

3) Notice hidden reasons for speaking up or remaining silent

Discover how to decode your mixed messages.  Watch confusion and conflict dissolve.  It all begins and ends in you.