Realize why you are here

Realize why you are here. In the heart, feel you exist to be truly helpful. There is no need to worry about what to say or what to do because you are always divinely directed. The highest being, call it Holy Spirit, Source, God or whatever, it arises not always as a voice, but as an inspiration, intuition, or a feeling.
You can have a feeling 'something' is going to happen and not know what it is. This thing, reveals itself, all with perfect timing. It can speak through another person to whom you truly listen. Spirit reaches you in dreams, whispers in the wind as you walk in nature, shows up when you least expect it. Simply be open.
You may be asking what does this mean for you. The more the mind sees through and lets go of attachment to beliefs, the freer the mind is from blocks that prevent it from hearing Spirit. This can be described as the 'call of the wild'. Smile. Go with it.
Recognize Spirit does not have to evolve, or else it would not be perfect. You, as perfect love, only ever speak to yourself in different forms. No matter how complicated life seems, you only have two choices, to love or fear, and only one of them is real. Only one exists. No-one else. It only seems to be so. The conscious mind sees separation in bodies and forms yet, its all illusion. The unconscious is like an iceberg that knows what exists beyond surface appearances. What is all-encompassing is real and what is not perfectly whole is unreal.
The way you experience and feel about yourself is determined by how you look and feel about the apparent external world. May the revelations continue and infinite trust arise. See things as they are: immortal, invulnerable, untouchable by this world.