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Entries in telepathy (15)


What if you create the mysteries?

It is said human beings are naturally psychic until they adopt mindsets and ingrain limitations.  If the pineal is highly-developed at birth and the silent the organ of telepathy, you might begin to understand why it begins to shrink with a lack of use and stimulation. Choose to reverse this process and arrive ata  new stage of inner awakening.

As you choose to systematically move beyond the conditioned logic of the left brain, you gain insight into the fourth dimension and other realms.  If a dimension of soul has a vantage point, its where mind and super-consciousness align and grow aware of all the mysteries of the universe.

What if no distinction exists between what you perceive and devise as reality? What if you create mysteries to stump ego? How do the same mysteries act as code to awaken the soul? This is the multisensaul, multi-dimensional experience that never ends. To sense you create the mysteries implies you sense where to go from there. What is your next step? 


Move beyond the chains of time

Analysis of dream submitted by Ian in Melbourne, Australia.

Dream- I had an astral travel experience which took me to England. I flew through atunnel and found myself in the home of a friend (whom I have never visited in person). I saw him with his feet up on the table. He was smoking a cigar. I observed his furniture in detail and telepathically read his mind about his intentionfor a project.When I awoke, I wrote my friend and received confirmation of all I hadseen and feltin the astral. Part of me knew telepathically and through ESP what he would say. I struggle to separate dreaming fully from reality.

Predominant Emotion- fear, surprise, self-love and acceptance

Interpretation- This dream highlights an advancing awareness of timelessness. It is a process to learn to surrender completely to wherever you are, that is, to be totally present. It is one thing to visualize and reveals progressto experience it. As you drop levels of inner resistance, you discover hidden spiritual power. Imaginary projections are only in the future.

Many human beings live a fragmented existence. The physical body does things and the mind wanders between past and future. When mind is unsatisfied, it refuses to accept what is. When mind wanders away from the now, negativity arises, the inner space is not clear and conscious astral travel is inconceivable. As mind empties of thought, you are no longer trapped in the time continuum. You not only realize every event is happening simultaneously, but you travel between moments.

Telepathy is free-flowing dialogue among open minds.  All that is necessary is heightening levels of sensory perception.  An outer sense of purpose has limits yet and inner sense of purpose offer a labryinth of possibilities.  As mind-created layers of problems dissolve, untapped abilities present to you.


Why learn to split consciousness?

Relatively few human beings have mastered the ability of being physically in more than one place at once. This is the ability to create and maintain energy vibrations in two separate physical bodies. You might imagine this requires deep focus and much energy. This something to work toward if you choose.

At the same time, every being is capable of learning to split consciousness, that is, to have that part of self in more than one place at once. Why choose to develop such an ability?

1) Recall how your body is an integrated energy dynamic.

2) Awaken the hard drive of untapped abilities in the soul.

3) Check what is goes on where you physical body is not.

4) Explore synchrony as precursor to heightening sensitivity.

5) Use thought and vision to awaken telepathic ability.

6) Discover a range of existences beyond physical reality.


When to withhold what you know?

Differences exist between consciously and unconsciously withholding what you know. Every being has multiple layers of untapped, inner knowing. Some mental images are stored, unconscious and inaccessible until one is consciously ready to accept certain realities. Reasons exist for inner brain privacy. You open up to new parts of self as you gradually dissolve fear.

In the physical world, the act of withholding information inside your psyche is often labeled. Does it reflect emotional wounds you are not yet willing to acknowledge or consciously resolve? This view does not always set the stage for non-judgmental confidants or supportive guides to facilitate healing.

Another view is every human being is soul energy, born with infinite, inner knowing that is obscured by ego. The density of energy, level of soul maturity, depth of insight into love, loss, and forgiveness, all influence what is shared and with whom.  Free will is the core issue that influences decisions.

Regardless of perspective, its common for human beings to feel indecisive about what information to share and when to keep silent.  People are scared of silence and yet, it never betrays. If you ever question what action to take, consider this;

1) Who is truly ready to hear? You may be aware of things someone desires to know. Yet, providing insight could cause havoc if that person is not ready to hear what you have to say. Evolve to discern what matters. Lao Tzu says, "Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment."

2) What is the motive? Where the motive is to help not hinder, then you are not denying the right of others to grow. To evolve to where you honestly identify core motive requires you overcome certain aspects of being human. Rachel Naomi Remen says, "loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than the most well-intentioned words."

3) Where are the lessons? Human emotional capacities include shame, guilt, envy, anger, and other sensations that invite a soul to examine available lessons. As one learns to open the mind, it is possible to learn to stop concealing intent. Caroline Myss reminds how, "You cannot change anything in your life with intention alone."

4) How do you mask thoughts? To be aware of what you think, hear and feel, allows you to step back from all the inner commentary and refocus your attention. During the process, you deliberately step outside what appears to be happening as a means to reconnect with your core self. Houssaye remarks, "Tell me whom you love and I will tell you who you are."

5) When is the right moment? As you learn to love others for what they are not what they say, then you move beyond the second-guessing that characterizes official , accepted human thought. The natural person is found beneath layers of beliefs. True soul patterns and innate abilities are invisible to beings who adopt social standards.  Some beings sense mental transition from unconscious to conscious transparency. Edgar Casey explains, "You shall find you have the key to telepathy."


Awaken to your game of life

If Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Nanak and Zoroaster, and peers of their level, were seated around a table discussing consciousness, you might wonder what matters they would discuss or if everything would be telepathic.  You might also wonder if they play a game of cards, which face images would the cards reveal? Would personality transcend? If all is revealed, then which faces remain?

Their followers formed religions which highlight difference, control and power struggles.  You might evolve to feel such practices deviate from the original tenets that promote wisdom and humility.  Such traits raise conscious awareness beyond superficial levels of dreams.

Its said spirituality is based on three common ideas agreed on by all sages:

1) A sense of a unifying, supreme, absolute Source 

2) Humankind's mortal nature and unlimited energy as a radiation from the Source

3) The possibility of learning spiritual secrets by deconditioning and remembering what you forgot at birth.

Regardless of whether you consciously connect with some God  from within or from outside the human spirit, your consciousness has the potential to expand alongside your evolutionary process.  You may experience biological turning points or changes in psychic energy.  You always have opportunities for different levels of awakening.  What sorts of cards do you hold in your spiritual hand? Which ones will you lay down? Which cards, if any, reveal the true self and decode the ultimate dream?

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