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Awaken to your game of life

If Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Nanak and Zoroaster, and peers of their level, were seated around a table discussing consciousness, you might wonder what matters they would discuss or if everything would be telepathic.  You might also wonder if they play a game of cards, which face images would the cards reveal? Would personality transcend? If all is revealed, then which faces remain?

Their followers formed religions which highlight difference, control and power struggles.  You might evolve to feel such practices deviate from the original tenets that promote wisdom and humility.  Such traits raise conscious awareness beyond superficial levels of dreams.

Its said spirituality is based on three common ideas agreed on by all sages:

1) A sense of a unifying, supreme, absolute Source 

2) Humankind's mortal nature and unlimited energy as a radiation from the Source

3) The possibility of learning spiritual secrets by deconditioning and remembering what you forgot at birth.

Regardless of whether you consciously connect with some God  from within or from outside the human spirit, your consciousness has the potential to expand alongside your evolutionary process.  You may experience biological turning points or changes in psychic energy.  You always have opportunities for different levels of awakening.  What sorts of cards do you hold in your spiritual hand? Which ones will you lay down? Which cards, if any, reveal the true self and decode the ultimate dream?

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Reader Comments (3)

I see the cards as faceless where the game is one and finished by laying all the cards down at once to embrace and release the perfect hand. Cards that are marked and selectively combined create holdings that are likened to preferential dreams.

The ultimate dream is realized when there is nothing left to hold on to. The decoding comes with the realization that everything is written with ink that has always been invisible to begin with.
July 25, 2012 | Unregistered Commenter~ Bern ~
If Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Nanak and Zoroaster sat at a table.....
They probably wouldn't say anything and would just smile knowing that All Is said and done. The game ends and life is lived. Perhaps the notion of a game tries to rule over life.

Is anyone truly an Ultimate Dream Master if Unspoken Truth needs to be Voiced?

Truth is indeed realized by living that which is True. If one is in alignment and in target with what is spoken.... then the arrow hits the target without ever being released and separated in the first place. Integrity Wins Without Ever Playing.
July 25, 2012 | Unregistered Commenter~ Bern ~
Bern, any split you perceive is caused solely by language. To identify with words is to create the illusion of inside and outside worlds. Only one world, one dream master exist. Language splits us from each other and God. If the foundation of peace is missing, love appears missing. In Sanscrit, the word for peace is the same as that for silence-- Shanti. By silencing the mind, the illusion of being an imaginary entity that thinks and acts, ceases. Truth is only known in silence. God acts without acting. There is no action, only being. All of us are God. This is inconceivable to a thinking mind. It thinks its the secret.
July 25, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert

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