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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in heightening sensitivity (1)


Why learn to split consciousness?

Relatively few human beings have mastered the ability of being physically in more than one place at once. This is the ability to create and maintain energy vibrations in two separate physical bodies. You might imagine this requires deep focus and much energy. This something to work toward if you choose.

At the same time, every being is capable of learning to split consciousness, that is, to have that part of self in more than one place at once. Why choose to develop such an ability?

1) Recall how your body is an integrated energy dynamic.

2) Awaken the hard drive of untapped abilities in the soul.

3) Check what is goes on where you physical body is not.

4) Explore synchrony as precursor to heightening sensitivity.

5) Use thought and vision to awaken telepathic ability.

6) Discover a range of existences beyond physical reality.