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Insight of the Moment

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Move beyond the chains of time

Analysis of dream submitted by Ian in Melbourne, Australia.

Dream- I had an astral travel experience which took me to England. I flew through atunnel and found myself in the home of a friend (whom I have never visited in person). I saw him with his feet up on the table. He was smoking a cigar. I observed his furniture in detail and telepathically read his mind about his intentionfor a project.When I awoke, I wrote my friend and received confirmation of all I hadseen and feltin the astral. Part of me knew telepathically and through ESP what he would say. I struggle to separate dreaming fully from reality.

Predominant Emotion- fear, surprise, self-love and acceptance

Interpretation- This dream highlights an advancing awareness of timelessness. It is a process to learn to surrender completely to wherever you are, that is, to be totally present. It is one thing to visualize and reveals progressto experience it. As you drop levels of inner resistance, you discover hidden spiritual power. Imaginary projections are only in the future.

Many human beings live a fragmented existence. The physical body does things and the mind wanders between past and future. When mind is unsatisfied, it refuses to accept what is. When mind wanders away from the now, negativity arises, the inner space is not clear and conscious astral travel is inconceivable. As mind empties of thought, you are no longer trapped in the time continuum. You not only realize every event is happening simultaneously, but you travel between moments.

Telepathy is free-flowing dialogue among open minds.  All that is necessary is heightening levels of sensory perception.  An outer sense of purpose has limits yet and inner sense of purpose offer a labryinth of possibilities.  As mind-created layers of problems dissolve, untapped abilities present to you.

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Reader Comments (8)


This is amazing. To actually see what will happen while

Do you think this person developed her mind or is her soul a more evolved one?

May 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMax Coutinho
Max, astral travel is an experience available to every human being. Sometimes it happens suddenly, and catches a dreamer off guard. More experienced astral travellers use mental discipline to do this regularly at will. I am aware of different stages of dreaming and individuals who share profound astral experience without consciously realizing why they seem chosen. I tell them everyone is chosen, yey not everyone chooses to hear the call. People reach stages in their lives where they ask the self whether they need training or guidance of a particular teacher. This is how oral traditions evolve wny we share stories. Beyond this, comes a moment where you realize you can connect with something greater and go deep within for answers. During periods of transition, reference material exists. Do what makes sense to satisfy that emerging curiosity.
May 1, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
This reminds me of when my older brother Joe and I were kids, we would read each other's mind-visions, like we would be dreaming the same things while awake. With our eyes closed. It was really cool.

I love Joe a lot. He played the mouse in a Christmas play when he was 10 and I 8 and I thought he was the best in the whole show! He was so cute in his little striped pyjamas and tail.
May 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Jannie, to share dreams simultaneously is a memorable experience. People who do this do not always consciously know how to repeat it. This requires practice and discipline. What matters is knowing love is powerful energy. It enables human beings to form bridges in the mind. This explains why loved ones will have identical ideas opo into the head, why mental telepathy also works when people are on the same frequency. Loved ones will sometimes awaken to discover they shared the same night dream. This suggests more than simply being temporarily on the same wavelength. You may have heard how female friends are known to align their feminine cycles. Love has a way of balancing unseen energy. Its a magical process!
May 1, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Yes, I remember reading about dorm girls menses getting synched up, but assumed it was some pheremone thing.

There goes love again, eh!
May 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Jannie, you may mysteriously find your menses aligned with some woman you think you barely know. When energy vibrations align, unseen things are happening to teach useful things:) You choose to be receptive or not.
May 5, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hello Liara,

"I tell them everyone is chosen, yet not everyone chooses to hear the call." - I know some people who know they were called, and yet choose to ignore it (and this too bears consequences; because if you're called you must serve).

May 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMax Coutinho
Max, not everyone chooses to consciously engage in spiritual work. That is a given. Not everyone chooses to be aware of his thoughts and emotions. Not everyone decides to be aware of his intentions or to take responsibility for his choices. This said, to move beyond a current mindset, behaviour, rigid belief of what is possible, something has to change. People often assume the change must be outside or, outwardly visible. In truth, change is constantly unfolding. All you have to do is recognize the law of cause and effect. Expand your sense of what is real and it transforms you. What you hear is nothing. What you feel is everything. You read more than your own mind.
May 7, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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