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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in synchronicity (47)


Translate internal messages

It is up to you whether you choose to open up and expand awareness. Those who do begin to sense layers of soul communication within through impulse, synchronicity and emotion.  Thoughts, feelings and beliefs are constantly emitted into your energy field and increasing self-awareness sharpens your discernment of what matters.  What are you noticing? How do you consider new ways of translating internal messages?


Feel beyond the ego-centred world

To explore beyond ego-centred mind, it is necessary to be aware of the nature of mind and how it fools you.  As you begin to sense that you create limitations based on perceptions of time and space, you may also grow aware of the transient nature of consciousness.

As part of the wake-up call, notice universal mind is within, not outside.  You are invited to shake up ingrained misperceptions and view them as a stepping stone to experiences beyond, through self-dircted journeys in awareness.  As you grow aware of how conditioning in the external world alters your internally-focused states of attention, you recognize choices to outgrow and transcend what is taught.

Prepare to transcend the linear, to move beyond desires of ego, and reconnect with a level of pure information.  This reveals that familiar sensory perception does not convey the truth of vibratory light.  Get ready to relearn what you already know- Cosmic Synchronicity.


Stop looking for what is missing

You may begin to notice you are searching for (or work to create) something you perceive to be missing.  Reflect on the seeds that prompt you to awaken. Consider what you do to stretch the mind.  What if nothing separates you from the innate joy within except conditioned denial or disbelief? What if you do not take pleasure in results? What if you stop rejecting what the mind does not want? Imagine the steadiness of an unwavering insight, or synchronicity , and so it is.  Reflect on the following Zen koan if you chose:

A MASTER who lived as a hermit on a mountain was asked by a monk,
"What is the Way?"

"What a fine mountain this is," the master said in reply.

"I am not asking you about the mountain, but about the Way."

"So long as you cannot go beyond the mountain, my son, you cannot
reach the Way," replied the master.


What distinguishes your world?

May percieved  worlds exist.  Some worlds are defined by spoken words, perceived drama and other external situations.  Other worlds have no characteristics you can pin down and identify.   What if someone suggested you are your world? How would you respond?

Some people understand their world to be clarified by their friend, family and entourage.  They internalize what they are told about themselves and their place in this physical world. Other people are at a loss for defintions.  Still other people view their world as complete and perfect just as it is.  What if all perception is rejected?  What if you decide you require nothing and cannot lose who you are?

As you move through your own understanding of distinctions, you are in the process of remembering.  You have all the time in your world. Whatever happens in your world, only you ever decide. It is another way you choose to transform your life at your pace.


What if you reframe everything?

Realize how you think and feel vibrates with a certain energy.  This reflects a level of changing conscious awareness.  You are in the process of shattering illusions and bursting the bubbles of your own beliefs.

Every moment, you are outgrowing certain perceptions and ways of thinking.  You always have choices about which energies to discern, and how to respond to each.  Some people recall states of just being.

As you experience stages of awakening, you remember how to open ancient senses within.  You allow energy to flow into the body, feel more open to self-examine and reflect. This the beginning of a journey along endless inner highways of consciousness.  Why would society be structured to prevent you from accessing inner knowing?

Every human being has free will and the capacity to anchor light.  You determine a sense of purpose with the decision that you are ready and willing to be completely informed about reality.  This involves a process of opening up to your own process of Self-Disclosure before you connect dots and recognize synchronicity.