Tune into vibrational harmony

Everything you think is creating a vibration even before you speak. As you realize how you feel sets the tone of your life, you begin to awaken to the nature of your inner power. Right now, you are in position to tune into vibrational harmony, to remember all that is you. As you relax and lighten up, you sense more clearly what is coming forth. All dimensions of your behaviour send you messages. What do you notice?
Be alert to how you feel. You can be positive, expect things to go well, or not. Know where you stand is always a great place to be. Be a deliberate, selective sifter of your perceptions. Allow abundance and uplifting opportunities into your scope of awareness. Focus on what evokes your joy to attract it. Know all you want is here and done. Feel streams of progress. Ride the wave of exhilaration. You bring it on.