Notice the signs

Signs are messengers that offer a glimpse into your future. They provide insight into your current self and conditions. Signs offer clues about how you feel where you are and where you're heading. They are subtle hints about how to lead a more balanced, harmonious life. If you aren't where you wish to be, what do you read from signs?
You may experience from a dream about a prospective business partnership and see the mask of your prospective partner is revealed. If you feel uneasy about what you see, and this remains when you awaken, your intuition may send you warning vibes and you may rethink your choice. Years after such a dream, a person I know looked back and recognized her own prophecy. Be pleased about foresight. You notice signs on so many levels, yet do you really pay attention?
Reflect on the sort of people you keep running into. What does this reveal about your state of mind? You may encounter homeless people looking for shelter, gypsies panhandling or, stray animals wandering about salivating at your lunch. Everything is a sign pointing to how you feel.
Each of us develops conditioned beliefs about what we can and can't do. You may be told you're clumsy, you're inept or that you won't ever realize what someone else considers foolish dreams. Yet, your own thoughts actually project into what you perceive and hear all around you. The people you run into or seem to meet at random will in fact result from deepset beliefs in your unconscious mind. That is, if you were criticized and chose to believe it, your whole life will seem to reinforce it. Notice what happens as you recongize the power to change how you feel.
So, are you noticing happy, smiling, healthy people who inspire you or, do you only see people who complain and alienate you in some way? How do you feel about what you attract? Others also attract you into their lives so to open the door of their hearts and learn valuable lessons. If you say you desire more of anything, you perpetuate the illusion of dissatisfaction.
Whenever enters your life is nothing unless you judge it. The time you sense elapses between that moment and any imagined future permits you to decide how to respond. How do you feel? Notice the signs all around and within you. Everything points to the love that is always present.