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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in surrender (44)


Make every moment count

Through humble surrender, each person is invited to open the heart to the deeper truth. As our self-worth increases, we let more love in and let go of suffering.  Notice what is happening as you let go of beliefs about what is right and wrong, let go of desires, ambitions and be an empty cup. We step in and out of dimensions based on where our energy vibration aligns. To grow more conscious is to open the mind to possibilities and clear cellular memories.  The universe reflects whatever you believe. 

Making every moment count means knowing everything that unfolds invites you to learn something.  Allowing yourself to feel negative feelings is a step in letting them go. As a momentary reaction, you can see everything through the lens of love and embrace all parts of yourself.  Comparisons, judgments, and memories prevent you from releasing your personal stories. Feel what you feel without focusing on it or allowing it to control you. The feeling leaves your energy field and reveals the timeless being that is you.

"Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count: everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted." - Albert Einstein


Know what you are not

To know what you are not opens you to deeper experience. Watch what happens as you surrender to the simplest way of being.  Changing the direction of attention is shifting the focus of energy.  Notice whether you struggle to do what cannot be done. Decide what is meaningful.  What if there is nothing to learn or practice? What if repeating thoughts or methods is irrelevant? As you eliminate the extraneous and know what happens when the nervous system is over-stimulated, you move beyond hallucinations.  Beliefs disintegrate.  Seeking ceases. Finding stops.  Being takes over. 


Surrender deeply

As you stop and determine what you are truly seeking, everything changes. Notice which choices distract you from getting to know who you are.  Reaching outside yourself does not bring completeness. The process of deep surrender allows all illusions to disperse and disappear. The ego and emotional patterns no longer control focus of attention.  What remains is true nature. Notice what is always present. Everything is real to the senses until you wake up to see that which never changes is actually real.  The sky is the container that is always here whereas the cloud that seem real come and go.  The moment is true essence.  It never comes and goes.


Know not what to say?

If you would like to say something, and you are unable to come up with something, this may evoke distress.  Yet, what what does it mean when you know not what to say and feel at ease with that? As you surrender into the state of not knowing, you connect deeply to something indescribable within.  You realize what truly needs to be known already is. What you think is important is a mental thought that separates you from that which is known.  You begin to sense every label is an imagined concept that has no bearing on what truly matters. Judgement is a limited perspective.  Suddenly, you recall how it feels to be happy where you are and just be.


The essence of love

The essence of love sees no difference or deficiency.  Awareness is felt by remembering what love is not. You cannot feel negative and positive emotion at the same moment. If someone does not see love in you and through you, this does not reflect anything is wrong with you. That person resists the unconditional love he is.  The human ego mind understands love based on restless desire and the idea of satisfying it.  Consciousness embodies an unchanging essence of being that is love.  This essence of love invites one to surrender to everyting that is an expression of the one love.